This has already been posted earlier btw.
-Last 3 years of injury has made him mentally stronger
-Fight against Tony is most important in UFC today
-Father is number 1 motivation, could fight a lion if he was in his corner
-Coach/father tell him to keep the same game plan. Has reached 25-0 with it so will continue to do the same
-Chose to go all 3 rounds vs Edson, could do whatever he wanted with him after the first
-Conor had the chance to hit him at 205 altercation but only mentions him once he has performance of the year vs Barboza
-Going to make fight with Tony look easy, will smash him and make him quit. Will make Conor beg afterwards
-Kevin Lee good but not great fighter, didn't have the spirit or conditioning to become a champion, regardless of staph
-Nobody can make him give up, he is mentally unbreakable
-Will accept Moscow PPV as first defence if he wins. However thinks it would likely be a Fight Night instead
-Conor is not lightweight king, Conor is Burger King