Ken Shamrock: Lean, Mean, and Clean At 55


Pretty amazing he is till able to look like this at 55.

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Lean, yeah...mean, yup...very impressive, absolutely. Clean, no....hell no.
This. Also, he was doing some weird incest storyline in pro wrestling I hear?

And he got beat up by The Nasty Boys (Jerry Saggs and Bryan Knobbs) in a real fight.
He got beat up, yeah, but according to the story I heard, he busted through the door like a doofus and got clocked from behind with a rotary desk phone.
whats the difference between a guy like jake paul, ken shamrock and brock lesnar? nothing
Fucking monster of an old man, Jesus. He might be juiced to all hell but still that’s damn impressive for 55. Aside from his pecs he still looks incredibly solid, his body aged well.
lmao .... even with the most expensive roid stack in the world it takes crazy genetics and hard work to look like that at his age. Most sherbros would still look like shit at 55 even after cycles of top tier gear... including me.

Exactly. Josh Barnett can continue eating roids 3 times a day and he'll look like an even worse Pillsbury Dough Boy at age 50, never mind 55.
So awesome Royce stopped him on strikes in the last fight. Fuck Ken Shamrock, dude is and always was a douche

You mean stopped with a knee to the nuts. The same Gracies who cry like babies when they think others cheat or fight dirty (see Renzo vs. Frank Shamrock).