"keep your hands up jds"


Blue Belt
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score
This is whay jds corner keept telling him, jds almost never keeps his hands up and i have said it before that his defense sucks.

So why does his corner really think that he will start keeping his hands up in the middle of the fight when he is tired? They better start working with that or him moving his head, his other hand is nowhere near his head when he punches
He was keeping his hands down to defend the takedowns, it was his strategy. He was worried about the takedowns and forgot that Cain has a pretty heavy hand. That was his big mistake, he ate that punch and then the fight was over for him.
I agree with TS. JDS has always had terrible striking defence. His attack is excellent but when you keep your hands down, you better make sure your chin can take shots. Lucky for him he was able to take a beating from Cain and not get KOed
Guys who keep their hands down have pretty solid chins and aren't afraid to exchange. Ida never had good defense or even combos for that matter. He had A good One punch ko power and thAts all u need for be division
I agree with TS. JDS has always had terrible striking defence. His attack is excellent but when you keep your hands down, you better make sure your chin can take shots. Lucky for him he was able to take a beating from Cain and not get KOed

o did you. did you really think he always had terrible striking defense?

Why didnt all your fine experts talk about JDS "terrible" defense before the cain fight?

Maybe because you were all riding his nuts so hard.

and he doesnt have bad defense
So why does his corner really think that he will start keeping his hands up in the middle of the fight when he is tired?

So the corner gave him the technical advice he needed and you are mad at it?

"oh you're tired.. just let it go.. survive" - is that what you would say for your fighter? Dumbshit...
Please show proof of you saying JDS has bad defence. Before this fight.
Well......JDS will watch the tape and learn volumes from this fight. He'll be able to tweek his game.
o did you. did you really think he always had terrible striking defense?

Why didnt all your fine experts talk about JDS "terrible" defense before the cain fight?

Maybe because you were all riding his nuts so hard.

and he doesnt have bad defense

Go and search my history of posts.
o did you. did you really think he always had terrible striking defense?

Why didnt all your fine experts talk about JDS "terrible" defense before the cain fight?

Maybe because you were all riding his nuts so hard.

and he doesnt have bad defense

Look, I think I was harsh but JDS has EXCELLENT hands but I just don't think his defence is great. NElson was connecting on his chin hard in the 3rd round and Carwin did hit him a few times flush on the chin. Lucky for JDS he has a chin.

Cain really showed flaws in JDS striking defence in this fight. But like I said, JDS better be thankful for having such a solid chin.
his offense is usually his defense.

Sometimes it takes a loss to realize what you need to work on. We'll see JDS v2.0
Ever hear the phrase "monday morning quaterback"? Replace monday with sunday, and quarterback with douchebag, and I think that sums up TS pretty nice
Because a TD is more dangerous to him.
He showed last night that he can pretty much stand infront of Cain like a punching bag and not get KO'ed.
He was just waiting for a chance to strike that wasn't coming because Cain was in too close the whole time.
This is whay jds corner keept telling him, jds almost never keeps his hands up and i have said it before that his defense sucks.

So why does his corner really think that he will start keeping his hands up in the middle of the fight when he is tired? They better start working with that or him moving his head, his other hand is nowhere near his head when he punches

Yeah, his defense is horrible. He's ALWAYS getting his ass beat standing. Its pretty embarrassing.
his offense is usually his defense.

Sometimes it takes a loss to realize what you need to work on. We'll see JDS v2.0


Usually, he can depend on his boxing but this fight proved that he needs to adjust his strategy and tighten up his defence.
I agree with TS. JDS has always had terrible striking defence. His attack is excellent but when you keep your hands down, you better make sure your chin can take shots. Lucky for him he was able to take a beating from Cain and not get KOed

You always said it, always said that, predict it, predict that. You are a true mma encyclopaedia lmao

Where are your predictions that I can't find? Where were you before the 25th?

You gotta put some money on it because you're a fucking wizard :rolleyes:
So the corner gave him the technical advice he needed and you are mad at it?

"oh you're tired.. just let it go.. survive" - is that what you would say for your fighter? Dumbshit...

You are dumb and so is his corner, if you wanted your fighter to hold his hands up then you should teach him that in training, he is not going to learn that in a fight. Dumbshit
I really did not understand why he stood there against the fence, letting himself get hit. Does he think he's Anderson or something? He seriously needs to improve his striking defense.