Kalms Sleep = effective???


Brown Belt
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Apparently this stuff is a natural herbal remedy and "promotes refreshing natural sleep."

Sometimes I just cant sleep no matter what I do so was thinking of giving these a try, would be grateful for any feedback from anyone who has tried. I dont want to take sleeping pills from a Dr and get addicted to them so thought these sound safer?

Thanx :D
i cant sleep either.....info would be appreciated....i was thinking of trying lunesta too
i have the same problem from time to time, looks like they have valerian and other crap. IMO herbal sleeping pills=crap, chemicals>herbs

i can usually take 10+ herbal sleeping in a night and still won't fall asleep, but ill feel like shitx10 in the morning

if you go to the doc, stillnox worked for me
Don't be fooled by the term "natural." Cyanide is natural.
The Kalms I tried were to chill me out while doing my driving test years ago, they did work but you have to take them for about 2 weeks before you feel the effects. There must be two types of Kalms because the ones I was munching relieved stress, I dont think my driving instructor would have had a long career if he gave me sleeping pills for the test :eek:

From what I can remember these Kalms are available over the counter and dont have any nasty side effects so I imagine the "sleeping" variant will be fine. Its always best to try and have natural sleep but if you need more help try "Nightol" as many people have reccomended this, I never tried it so cant comment.
Lazy-Eye said:
The Kalms I tried were to chill me out while doing my driving test years ago, they did work but you have to take them for about 2 weeks before you feel the effects. There must be two types of Kalms because the ones I was munching relieved stress, I dont think my driving instructor would have had a long career if he gave me sleeping pills for the test :eek:

From what I can remember these Kalms are available over the counter and dont have any nasty side effects so I imagine the "sleeping" variant will be fine. Its always best to try and have natural sleep but if you need more help try "Nightol" as many people have reccomended this, I never tried it so cant comment.

interesting thanx, yeah there is Kalms stress as well as sleep. Will check out Nightol as well.

Thanx for all :wink: other comments as well.
I take Lunesta. I haven't noticed any ill effects. I've always had trouble sleeping......even after training for my Tri. I thought for sure all the extra working out would make me sleep better.....not. I've been taking it about six months now....I feel more rested...not at all drowsy when I get up. I think the benefits outweigh any risks for me. Good luck.
Iv never heard of Kalms, but if i REALLY need it, i take Nytol. The extra strentgh dose will put u out like a light as long as you dont fight it and just relax. The donwsides to it though is that it can make your mouth really dry (so keep water nearby) and its makes you groggy as hell when you wake up. Other than that, its graet.
I've had a sleeping disorder my whole life. It's one of the reasons I work graveyard right now.

IMO, there are a million things the average athlete can do to get better sleep before taking a pill. Pills never helped me. Stuff like massage, lowering my sodium, darkening my room, staying hydrated, not oversleeping on the weekend, using my bed only for sleep, paying attention to my breathing patterns, lowering noise...and above all, reducing stress....these are the things that make a real difference. You can't take a pill every night of your life to do something your body does on its own and expect that to be healthy- that was always my take.

No melatonin for me. What's wrong with Valerian Root?
hippiass said:
Iv never heard of Kalms, but if i REALLY need it, i take Nytol. The extra strentgh dose will put u out like a light as long as you dont fight it and just relax. The donwsides to it though is that it can make your mouth really dry (so keep water nearby) and its makes you groggy as hell when you wake up. Other than that, its graet.

thanx, checked nytol but noticed you shouldnt use if have asthma, (i have v.v.v. mild asthma but still would rather not chance it) they have herbal ones.

And Madmick, yeah I agree cant take pills the rest of your life. I would only take them from time to time hopefully, thanx anyway.
Girljock said:
I take Lunesta. I haven't noticed any ill effects. I've always had trouble sleeping......even after training for my Tri. I thought for sure all the extra working out would make me sleep better.....not. I've been taking it about six months now....I feel more rested...not at all drowsy when I get up. I think the benefits outweigh any risks for me. Good luck.

read this was prescription only so would rather go with a "lighter" one can buy in shop. thanx anyway. :D
wenispinkle said:
valerian root doesnt work

No, I believe it is one of the most useful herbs out there, but RJKD is the expert on this. I thikn in its natural tea form it's particularly potent (plus the soothing act of drinking tea helps induce sleep).

But like I said, ask RJKD.