

Green Belt
Feb 17, 2008
Reaction score
I have been searching to find out whether or not it can be eaten raw and so far I have found mixed answers. Some say only baby kale can be eaten raw, others say none, and some also say it can... sooo can kale be eaten raw?
I sure hope so, because I've been eating it raw for the past few days.

It tastes like chemicals though, even after I wash it.

*note that I am alive as far as I know
I sure hope so, because I've been eating it raw for the past few days.

It tastes like chemicals though, even after I wash it.

*note that I am alive as far as I know

Haha... well then you better read up on any responses this thread gets as well... but seriously, I just don't know why you couldn't eat it raw even if it DOES taste like crap... its a damn leafy vegetable what could it possible do to you from eating it raw...
I've been mixing it in my shakes for a long time and I'm not dead, either.

I've never heard that it can't be eaten raw...
alright cool... just wanted to double check on the forum since I had read articles from both sides of the argument...