

White Belt
Jan 18, 2006
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Hey, have any of you heard of Kajukenbo? They claim to be "the true american mixed martial art" I recently saw a shirt that said "Before UFC, Before MMA, Before K-1, and before JKD, there was Kajukenbo." I read a little about it and it says it is a very brutal and devastating martial arts. Anyone know any more about it?
when I went to basic training for the army some kid claimed he practiced it. I stopped believing when I put him in a quick keylock doing combatives and showed he had no ground skill what-so-ever.
i read a Black Belt magazine article about it years ago. Four friends who were experts in KArate, JUdo, KENpo and BOxing put this art together... take from that what you will
If it worked, and it was practical, it would probably have been used already.
It's good stuff. Very little "fluff" from what I've seen.
It was created in Hawaii, so it has a lot in common with Hawain Kenpo & some of the Filipino systems.
BlazinSkunk said:
If it worked, and it was practical, it would probably have been used already.

Like any thing else...it has pro's and con's. As for it being used, it seems to be a nice foundation for CHUCK LIDDELL.

He fights out of "The Pit", their style is Hawaiian Kempo. That is Kajukenbo minus the Kata's. Essentially using the most practical elements of Kajukenbo. On "The Pit's" website, they state that their "family tree" is as follows:

William Chow--->Adriano Emperado--->Walter Godin -->John Hackleman

Emperado is the founder of Kajukenbo, and Hackelman is "The Pit Master" who trains and corners for Chuck.


The site also has a section titled "The Pit Monsters go back to our roots" (about 3/4 of the way down on that page) where it states that Hackelman was inducted into the Kajukenbo Hall of Fame and Chuck Liddell was named Kajukenbo Fighter of the Year.


Like any style, it has its strengths and weaknesses. But MMA is all about being well rounded and it definitely has something to offer. As for that kid who claimed to know Kajukenbo but couldnt fight, it could just be that he was all talk and was just trying to impress you.
I walked into a Kajukenbo school once out of curiousity when I was in the shopping center. I saw a lot of Judo throws but I had no clue wtf it was
Kajukenbo is a really really goo system, if you have a chance to train in it do it!!!
its a combination of karate kenpo judo and boxing. Looks like a good foundation art, especially for kids.
BabyPhenom said:
its a combination of karate kenpo judo and boxing. Looks like a good foundation art, especially for kids.
Def great for kids, good foungation for them to get when they are young
ezduzit said:
Hey, have any of you heard of Kajukenbo? They claim to be "the true american mixed martial art" I recently saw a shirt that said "Before UFC, Before MMA, Before K-1, and before JKD, there was Kajukenbo." I read a little about it and it says it is a very brutal and devastating martial arts. Anyone know any more about it?

Kajukenbo 5th Degree Black Belt here. Feel free to PM me with any questions you may have. I currently teach Marines and Green side Corpsmen at Camp Lejeune, NC.

People either fall in love with the art and the Ohana spirit or get scarred of the brutal training found within the Emperado Method.

I also moderate www.emperado.com
the other more active talk forum for kajukenbo is www.kajukenbocafe.com

ps. I only teach Men 18 and over. Currently not taking any new students. Private Instruction only at this time.

check it out. Read some of the Bio's in the "who's who section" You will not be disapointed. watch out for foneys out there claiming Kajukenbo.

If they are for real I can verify it for you via the Kajukenbo Family Tree

Also Sleddog of the original Dog Brothers is high ranking Kajukenbo. aka Phillip Gelinas


Kajukenbo is the 1st Genuine MMA created on American Soil. No BS. Check it out. Its not for everyone, but if its for you then welcome to the OHANA.
Kajukenbo 5th Degree Black Belt here. Feel free to PM me with any questions you may have. I currently teach Marines and Green side Corpsmen at Camp Lejeune, NC.

People either fall in love with the art and the Ohana spirit or get scarred of the brutal training found within the Emperado Method.

I also moderate www.emperado.com
the other more active talk forum for kajukenbo is www.kajukenbocafe.com

ps. I only teach Men 18 and over. Currently not taking any new students. Private Instruction only at this time.

check it out. Read some of the Bio's in the "who's who section" You will not be disapointed. watch out for foneys out there claiming Kajukenbo.

If they are for real I can verify it for you via the Kajukenbo Family Tree

Also Sleddog of the original Dog Brothers is high ranking Kajukenbo. aka Phillip Gelinas


Kajukenbo is the 1st Genuine MMA created on American Soil. No BS. Check it out. Its not for everyone, but if its for you then welcome to the OHANA.

Hey Doc I have a question. I have trained kaju on and off for years. I have trained Emperado method and Gaylords method. Great Grand Master Gaylord lived down the street from my house and whats funny is my Dad actually dated his daughter when they were in highschool or somthing but, anyway I have never noticed the difference between the 2 methods. Can you explain what the differences are.
espionage3 said:
Hey Doc I have a question. I have trained kaju on and off for years. I have trained Emperado method and Gaylords method. Great Grand Master Gaylord lived down the street from my house and whats funny is my Dad actually dated his daughter when they were in highschool or somthing but, anyway I have never noticed the difference between the 2 methods. Can you explain what the differences are.

Prof. Bishop's information and Kajukenbo history found on www.kajukenbocafe.com (please register on the cafe for further kajukenbo info). I am am aware this primarily an MMA site and dont want to take away from that. With respect, there are plenty of sites available on the subject. And Im not going to cut and past for you because your too lazy to look it up. Below is a taste and will hopefully answere your question, but I have a feeling you already know the answere. The cafe is a public site with conections to all the top personel within Kajukenbo.

Grandmaster Gaylord has been actively training in the art of Kajukenbo for over 52 years. In 1980. He received his 9th degree Black Belt from the Kajukenbo founder, Sijo Adriano Emperado.

Grandmaster Gaylord began his training in Hawaii under Kajukenbo Black Belt George (Paul) Seronio. In the early 1960's he moved to Northern California where he began teaching in San Leandro. He brought to the mainland the effective hard and heavy hitting style of Kajukenbo which he had learned from his instructors.

Kajukenbo has 4 systems Emperado has always stressed that no system is superior to another and that they are not improvements on the original method. They are just kajukenbo expressions that emphasize different techniques.
In his lifetime Emperado has seen his kajukenbo style grow into a major martial art that is practiced all across the United States and in several countries.

The above response is edited pieces from Professor John Bishops soon to released book on Kajukenbo.

With respect to all his efforts and hard work - please take the time and go to www.kajukenbocafe.com or Prof. Bishops site at www.kajukenboinfo
John Bishop is credited with and has written many article on martial arts for many leading MA magazines and is currently finalizing the most detailed book on Kajukenbo every written. Should be on the shelves around Christmass 06.

My input;
They are all fruit from the same tree. When you try one piece it may be a bit sweeter than another. Kajukenbo's roots run deep and the branches reach wide and far. It's fruit is plentiful.

I know it sounds corney but its just an analogy.

Thanks for the interest and happy hunting:cool:
whoa i thought that guy was just messing around with that master gaylord comment......
As the years pass and the kaju way is to keep evolving your methods and make your learning personal so goes the whole system. The original style had the learning from the men founding kajukenbo. Later Ch'uang Fa was added and Northern Tum Pai which did not catch on well and then comes won hop ken do from Al dacascos . At any rate if you have spent many years of your life studing and suddenly great changes are made . you dont want to become a beginner once again . So you have more methods and there are very large differences in Kajukenbo methods.
Forty years in the Gaylord method
I took kajukenbo when I was a kid. I was about 11yrs old. I took it for a year. Alot of people don't know about this style. It is really popular in California especially Northern California.

And yes it is the first true mixed martial art. The name Kajukenbo has 4 martial art combined into the name Ka=Karate Ju=Judo Ken=Kenpo Bo= Bok Fu.

This Martial Art uses a variety of punches and kicks knees elbows. Throws and submissions. But not effective on the ground.

This Martial Art is very effective in real life street fights. The techniques taught are not taught to kick your opponents ass. But are meant to disable him. Phuck his $hit up for real.

Is this Martial Art effective for mma? I would say so-so, because there are rules in MMA. The stance and striking would help you. If you mix in some BJJ for the ground and some boxing combos. You would be good. THere are also knees and elbow and liittle clinching involved in kajukenbo and some judo type throws.

I took kajukenbo when i was a child. I did not see the full potential. The adult classes are very different. The adults spar without gloves gear or anything. When they sparred it did not look like martial arts sparring. I looked like a brawl they were grabbing and throwing taking down eachother. Throwing down for reals.

I would say kajukenbo is effective to have in your mma arsenal. But alone is not enough, especially if the fight goes to the ground.


about kajukenbo link