K-1 store


Black Belt
Mar 15, 2008
Reaction score
Can anyone here order off the K-1 website? Any help is greatly apperciated.
(o)(o) lives there (japan) i do believe.
yeah, I can do it, but you really have to keep in mind that the price you see listed in the shop will be quite different from the end price.

The reasons are simple:

Price in shop
Postage they charge from them to me ($5 to $10)
Postage to you
5% of total cost as that is what paypal charges us non-US sellers.
what if I want to pay you off in baskets of fruit or fish? will that suffice?

I'd maybe go for some decent steak, or fruit as long as it containd no mangos ;-)
yeah, I can do it, but you really have to keep in mind that the price you see listed in the shop will be quite different from the end price.

The reasons are simple:

Price in shop
Postage they charge from them to me ($5 to $10)
Postage to you
5% of total cost as that is what paypal charges us non-US sellers.

Hmmmm, aight oyo, could you give me an estimate of how much it would cost if i wanted the white JZ t-shirt ?
I saw some of the shooto gear u posted pics of as well, and i'm interested.
Hmmmm, aight oyo, could you give me an estimate of how much it would cost if i wanted the white JZ t-shirt ?
I saw some of the shooto gear u posted pics of as well, and i'm interested.

ok, but understand this is roughly speaking as I don't know the weight.

The shirt is 4500yen

Postage to me is about 800yen I believe

Postage to you via EMS (5 business day delievery, tracking, insurance) would be about 1500yen.

Paypal hit me a shitty rate (currently US$1 = 96.8yen) + 5%

Which would mean if you were to pay in US$ the absolute bare minimum would be $73.76.

Had you asked 2 weeks ago it would have been cheaper as I could have picked one up at the event and saved the postage to me portion.
Send him the money in a letter and save the paypal charges:)

...errr, i think i'll go pick it up when i go to Japan next summer :icon_chee !!

I understand mate. The Shooto x Soljah stuff is good because I get it under retail to start with......K-1 stuff I cannot do that with though.