Justify this Brock garbage, if TS

OverCoronavirus Pressure

Mayberry = War Room, WR = OT. Shit.
Jan 29, 2015
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Why in the world should anybody come into the octagon for a title shot without earning their way to it by fighting and winning?

Doesn't it seem unfair and absurd and money grubbing, greedy, and insulting to those who spend their adult lives crafting their mma skills instead of practicing scripts? Fighters who work on combinations and techniques and defending subs etc, who are getting to the top one fight at a time, the hard way, on the cheap while they stru-- oh here comes Brok
The Double Champ does what the fuck he wants.
Just look at the ppv numbers for the past few events and you’ll understand Dana’s reasoning
Heavyweight is worst division in the entire sport of MMA, of course they will give a title shot to Brock. He destroyed then #5 mark Hunt. B b b but PED, yea and Jones would get an immediate title shot too, only difference is Jones would turn it down for a tune-up fight because he doesn't have the balls of lesnar
Yeah, it's about money - we all know that. But honestly, considering how the ppv's have done lately, who can blame the UFC for trying to regain some momentum by having their biggest draw (maybe next to Conor, but he's apparently not available atm) skip the line? And it's not that the line is filled with deserving, obvious contenders in the first place.
Why in the world should anybody come into the octagon for a title shot without earning their way to it by fighting and winning?


Do you even UFC bro?
Why did you go to work today? FOR THE MONEY! Shut the duck up
Money/PPV buys.
Isnt this the same place where people wont shut the fucc up about the UFC being dead/down the toilet due to PPV buys and money (I completely disagree).
Same people who demamd that MM get 2 million even though he is one of the worst draws.
Same people who say the HW division sucks and needs new blood.
Because UFC hasnt cared about sport credibility in years? I think there was that 18 month period about a decade ago, but thats about it for pretending standings matter.