Law Justice Alito allegedly had a ‘Stop the Steal’ symbol on display at his house

Judges however, are not supposed to let their ideology influence their decisions, nor are they supposed to display said ideology such as to give the appearance of unfairness. This is written into the law for other federal judges, as well as the code of ethics the SCOTUS adopted.
He’d essentially openly admitted that he bases rulings on ideology and not law.

And again, all of this is in addition to accepting gifts from GOP donors.
I do get a kick out of how so many of you find any justification possible for unethical and corrupt behavior.

Time for ol Sam to step down or be removed.
I think he'll stay right where he is and your ire will end if a republican wins the presidency. You just see this as some slim shot at swaying the court to the left. Thats all it is.
Absolutely, and that sort of makes one wonder how effective he is as a Chief Justice.

I think history will look back on the Roberts Court as one of the most activist, ideology driven, and unethical Courts in our history.

The fact that a party's Supreme Court nominees are pre-selected by a group like the Federalist Society, which was constructed to steer people who would have otherwise gone into clergy, towards being lawyers and judges in order TO move the Country in their desired direction is already an egregious enough reason to consider the Court compromised.
I think he'll stay right where he is and your ire will end if a republican wins the presidency. You just see this as some slim shot at swaying the court to the left. Thats all it is.
I think he’ll stay right where he is because your side couldn’t care less how corrupt he is as long as he decides cases the way you want.

I said this a whole year ago:
It wasn’t just Sotomayor I left out, I omitted Gorsuch too, and I did it for a couple of reasons. One was just to avoid the OP being overly long or convoluted, but also because I think the ethics concerns with those two are quite a bit less concerning than what we’ve seen from Thomas and Alito. Thomas has reached a threshold of impeachable conduct imo; he should resign immediately or face impeachment proceedings. I’m not quite there with Alito yet, but he’s not far behind.
We’ve got Alito accepting gifts from GOP donors, the crazy dangerous idea he believes that SCOTUS is above congressional oversight, multiple instances of him displaying conflicts of interest and refusing to recuse from cases, and now he’s on tape essentially admitting he is a right wing ideologue who sees no compromise with the other side, and not an unbiased, objective member of the judiciary.
We’ve seen enough.

I’d be perfectly fine to wait and let the winner of the 2024 election make the nominations to replace them. If Trump wins, he nominates two more far right Federalist Society wackjobs, and we’re right back where we are now. I think with the presidency being voted on, along with 34 or so Senate seats, this is a great time to rid the SCOTUS of its corruption, and let the people whose rights have been trampled by these POS have a voice.
More recordings. This time of his wife:

In a new, secret recording, the Supreme Court justice’s wife bemoans having to “look across the lagoon at the Pride flag.”

If it were up to her, Mrs. Alito tells liberal documentary filmmaker Lauren Windsor that she would be flying a Sacred Heart of Jesus flag in response. Or she might design her own flag, one sporting the Italian word for “shame.”

Referencing her husband, Mrs. Alito says, “He’s like, ‘Oh, please don’t put up a flag.’ I said, ‘I won’t do it because I am deferring to you. But when you are free of this nonsense, I’m putting it up and I’m gonna send them a message every day.”

When Lauren Windsor tells Mrs. Alito she is being persecuted, Mrs. Alito responds, “Look at me, look at me. I’m German. I’m from Germany. My heritage is German. You come after me, I’m gonna give it back to you. And there will be a way — it doesn’t have to be now — but there will be a way they will know.”
More recordings. This time of his wife:

In a new, secret recording, the Supreme Court justice’s wife bemoans having to “look across the lagoon at the Pride flag.”

If it were up to her, Mrs. Alito tells liberal documentary filmmaker Lauren Windsor that she would be flying a Sacred Heart of Jesus flag in response. Or she might design her own flag, one sporting the Italian word for “shame.”

Referencing her husband, Mrs. Alito says, “He’s like, ‘Oh, please don’t put up a flag.’ I said, ‘I won’t do it because I am deferring to you. But when you are free of this nonsense, I’m putting it up and I’m gonna send them a message every day.”

When Lauren Windsor tells Mrs. Alito she is being persecuted, Mrs. Alito responds, “Look at me, look at me. I’m German. I’m from Germany. My heritage is German. You come after me, I’m gonna give it back to you. And there will be a way — it doesn’t have to be now — but there will be a way they will know.”
I actually found something to agree with the Alitos about: a flag flying above their home bearing the word “Shame” would be perfect for them.
Alito also got caught on tape at a Society dinner talking about how this is a war between two sides in the US and we need to return the country to godliness. It’s nuts the guy is in a position to make broad legal decisions affecting Americans. People don’t appreciate the danger now but Neo Christian Nationalism is real, it’s scary and Alito is right at the top of that trash heap.
Alito also got caught on tape at a Society dinner talking about how this is a war between two sides in the US and we need to return the country to godliness. It’s nuts the guy is in a position to make broad legal decisions affecting Americans. People don’t appreciate the danger now but Neo Christian Nationalism is real, it’s scary and Alito is right at the top of that trash heap.
One of the things I thought was interesting was, that reporter did the exact same thing to John Roberts and he disagreed with her on every point.

“Would you want me to be in charge of putting the nation on a more moral path?” Roberts asked Windsor after being pressed for his thoughts. “That’s for people we elect. That’s not for lawyers.”

He added that it’s “not our job” to consider faith in the court’s decisions, or any guiding framing for the country’s ideology, pointing to the perspective of his “Jewish and Muslim friends.”

“It’s our job to decide the cases the best we can,” he said.
One of the things I thought was interesting was, that reporter did the exact same thing to John Roberts and he disagreed with her on every point.

“Would you want me to be in charge of putting the nation on a more moral path?” Roberts asked Windsor after being pressed for his thoughts. “That’s for people we elect. That’s not for lawyers.”

He added that it’s “not our job” to consider faith in the court’s decisions, or any guiding framing for the country’s ideology, pointing to the perspective of his “Jewish and Muslim friends.”

“It’s our job to decide the cases the best we can,” he said.
I don’t have love for Robert’s but there is a very clear distinction between a person of the law who understands their role and the importance of impartiality and a person who embraces their bigotry and openly flaunts it as an element of their decision making.
I don’t have love for Robert’s but there is a very clear distinction between a person of the law who understands their role and the importance of impartiality and a person who embraces their bigotry and openly flaunts it as an element of their decision making.
Yeah exactly. I’m not a huge fan of Roberts either, but I’ll admit he’s been better than I thought he’d be. I don’t believe that he’s trying to use his role to implement some far right agenda, which seems to be hat Alito and Thomas are doing.
Man the same people that were all about packing the court with democrats are now acting shocked about supposed partisanship in the court.

Make it make sense. You don't really care about partisanship, you're upset it's not your guys there.
Man the same people that were all about packing the court with democrats are now acting shocked about supposed partisanship in the court.

Make it make sense. You don't really care about partisanship, you're upset it's not your guys there.
I’ve never supported packing the Court. The solution I always liked best was to pass law making all federal judges de facto members of the SCOTUS. Each case would be decided by 9 judges from that pool chosen at random.
I’ve never supported packing the Court. The solution I always liked best was to pass law making all federal judges de facto members of the SCOTUS. Each case would be decided by 9 judges from that pool chosen at random.
And it's worth noting that, functionally speaking, the court is already packed. That's the whole problem.
Say why you really hate Alito...... he tried to trample on easy access everywhere to kill un born babies.
I’ve never supported packing the Court. The solution I always liked best was to pass law making all federal judges de facto members of the SCOTUS. Each case would be decided by 9 judges from that pool chosen at random.
well since federal judges are also politically nominated, how's it different? would it not also leave open the argument that if another set of judges were to decide on the case it would end with a different result if the composition was different one way or another? it's the same thing. it's politicizing justice.

you'll just have to live with 100% politicized courts. talking about the size or format is irrelevant as long as the substance (process of selection of judges) is a political circus.
Yeah exactly. I’m not a huge fan of Roberts either, but I’ll admit he’s been better than I thought he’d be. I don’t believe that he’s trying to use his role to implement some far right agenda, which seems to be hat Alito and Thomas are doing.
it would be great if we could trust that they were all truly independent...............
Man the same people that were all about packing the court with democrats are now acting shocked about supposed partisanship in the court.

Make it make sense. You don't really care about partisanship, you're upset it's not your guys there.

The notion there should be a separation of church and state existed before the political parties did so partisanship is being misused here.
So yeah, the fact that the supremes are outwardly showing their colors, red or blue, makes one wonder when they start shooting at each other like crips and bloods.

I'm sure you were this outraged about Ruth Bader Ginsberg's political activism too.
well since federal judges are also politically nominated, how's it different? would it not also leave open the argument that if another set of judges were to decide on the case it would end with a different result if the composition was different one way or another? it's the same thing. it's politicizing justice.

you'll just have to live with 100% politicized courts. talking about the size or format is irrelevant as long as the substance (process of selection of judges) is a political circus.
I don’t think we have to live with that.
More specifically though, the issue isn’t just “politicization,” it’s blatant corruption. And we have a mechanism for dealing with that, it’s called impeachment. The issue here isn’t having a conservative mindset; Roberts, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and ACB have that, but none have shown signs of being actually corrupt.
When you have SCOTUS justices accepting lavish gifts from political mega donors, and then on top of that the justice doesn’t recuse when that mega donor has business before the Court, then we have a serious problem.
If Congress actually had some teeth and impeached and removed these corrupt pieces of shit, I bet you they’d settle down in a hurry.

You do have a valid point about federal judges being political nominations, that’s the obvious counter-point to my position. But when you’re dealing with only 9 justices, you only need to corrupt a couple of them. Try dealing with almost 900 judges, when you don’t even know which ones will hear a particular case, and corrupting the judiciary becomes much more difficult.

You certainly can’t—and shouldn’t—force a judge to recuse, or force them to decide cases a certain way, but you can sure AF kick their ass off the bench if they accept $500,000 luxury vacations as gifts.

it would be great if we could trust that they were all truly independent...............
Yeah that’s a big part of the struggle. I also think Congress should pass a law which defines “advice and consent of the senate” as being demonstrated by a vote of confirmation in the nominee, and requiring that the Senate take up any federal judicial nomination within a certain period of time (maybe 60 days or something). They should also prohibit the filibuster in federal judicial nominees.

No more of this stalling like they did with Garland, or filibustering every nominee like they did to Obama for years. Make the senate take up the nominee, commit to a vote so the People can see it.
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I don’t think we have to live with that.
More specifically though, the issue isn’t just “politicization,” it’s blatant corruption. And we have a mechanism for dealing with that, it’s called impeachment. The issue here isn’t having a conservative mindset; Roberts, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and ACB have that, but none have shown signs of being actually corrupt.
When you have SCOTUS justices accepting lavish gifts from political mega donors, and then on top of that the justice doesn’t recuse when that mega donor has business before the Court, then we have a serious problem.
If Congress actually had some teeth and impeached and removed these corrupt pieces of shit, I bet you they’d settle down in a hurry.

You do have a valid point about federal judges being political nominations, that’s the obvious counter-point to my position. But when you’re dealing with only 9 justices, you only need to corrupt a couple of them. Try dealing with almost 900 judges, when you don’t even know which ones will hear a particular case, and corrupting the judiciary becomes much more difficult.

You certainly can’t—and shouldn’t—force a judge to recuse, or force them to decide cases a certain way, but you can sure AF kick their ass off the bench if they accept $500,000 luxury vacations as gifts.
fair enough.
More recordings. This time of his wife:

In a new, secret recording, the Supreme Court justice’s wife bemoans having to “look across the lagoon at the Pride flag.”

If it were up to her, Mrs. Alito tells liberal documentary filmmaker Lauren Windsor that she would be flying a Sacred Heart of Jesus flag in response. Or she might design her own flag, one sporting the Italian word for “shame.”

Referencing her husband, Mrs. Alito says, “He’s like, ‘Oh, please don’t put up a flag.’ I said, ‘I won’t do it because I am deferring to you. But when you are free of this nonsense, I’m putting it up and I’m gonna send them a message every day.”

When Lauren Windsor tells Mrs. Alito she is being persecuted, Mrs. Alito responds, “Look at me, look at me. I’m German. I’m from Germany. My heritage is German. You come after me, I’m gonna give it back to you. And there will be a way — it doesn’t have to be now — but there will be a way they will know.”

That chick was born in Kentucky, went to school on Kentucky. She is not "from Germany"...its questionable if she's ever even been to Germany.

I thought these dingleberries were "America First"...just another thing to add to the scam.