Just got shared custody of my son and was assigned the role of custodial parent!

I took my ex to court immediately after she pulled the card when she told me I couldn't see my son. 12 yrs later my son lives with me 80% of the time.
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So I'm a stay at home dad with my 1 year old son and run a small business from home. My sons mother and I didn't work out and when I moved out I told her I wanted my son from 7am to 7pm weekdays and 1 full day on the weekend. She wanted to keep him and put him in daycare and wanted me to pay her child support so I told her we will let the courts decide and filed the custody papers that day I had already filled out with my lawyer.

My son's mom was under the belief that her being the mother automatically made her the "boss" when it came to our child and all she had to do was go file for child support and I would have to give her money. What she didn't realise is in our state a father and a mother have the exact same rights to a child if there is no court order in place and during a custody battle when two parents are equally capable parents the courts award the title of " custodial parent" to the primary caretaker which was me as I was a stay at home dad and cared for him during the day while she worked.

So we ended ended up getting shared custody to where he would sleep over my house 4 days and hers 3 days and I would care for him during the weekdays she has him. As his "custodial parent" I am the only one who has the right to recieve child support from her!

I'm still unsure if I will file for child support but I'm leaning on doing so. In our state it is really confusing but they will base it on what we both made combined last year which she made slightly more than I did. My business is expected to do about 3 times what it did last year but the extra money from her child support should make things much easier.
Congrats, bro
So I'm a stay at home dad with my 1 year old son and run a small business from home. My sons mother and I didn't work out and when I moved out I told her I wanted my son from 7am to 7pm weekdays and 1 full day on the weekend. She wanted to keep him and put him in daycare and wanted me to pay her child support so I told her we will let the courts decide and filed the custody papers that day I had already filled out with my lawyer.

My son's mom was under the belief that her being the mother automatically made her the "boss" when it came to our child and all she had to do was go file for child support and I would have to give her money. What she didn't realise is in our state a father and a mother have the exact same rights to a child if there is no court order in place and during a custody battle when two parents are equally capable parents the courts award the title of " custodial parent" to the primary caretaker which was me as I was a stay at home dad and cared for him during the day while she worked.

So we ended ended up getting shared custody to where he would sleep over my house 4 days and hers 3 days and I would care for him during the weekdays she has him. As his "custodial parent" I am the only one who has the right to recieve child support from her!

I'm still unsure if I will file for child support but I'm leaning on doing so. In our state it is really confusing but they will base it on what we both made combined last year which she made slightly more than I did. My business is expected to do about 3 times what it did last year but the extra money from her child support should make things much easier.
Good job bro. Seriously, start collecting that child support. She wouldn't hesitate to take the money, neither should you. It's really to support the kid anyway. She needs to help out as much as she can.

That is a feel good story if I ever heard one. Most dudes get screwed on custody battles even ones where the benefits were as obvious as your situation.
Mazel tov!
Best of luck to you and the little fella.
Good job bro. Seriously, start collecting that child support. She wouldn't hesitate to take the money, neither should you. It's really to support the kid anyway. She needs to help out as much as she can.

That is a feel good story if I ever heard one. Most dudes get screwed on custody battles even ones where the benefits were as obvious as your situation.

Agree what the first part. Even if you don't need the cash just do what another poster said and put it in a savings account for you child.

Two friends of mine went for custody from the ex GFs and both won. One of the exs recently tried to regain custody despite the fact that his son is in his second year of school and the ex lives with her mother! She lost obviously.

Congrats TS
hell yeah man this is good news, the whole fucking child support bullshit is designed to destroy men
Good for you ts I got fucked and pay 300 a month child support

Lol - $300/MO is not getting fucked

I know guys who pay $1,000+ and they're not making that much.
she is a good mom she deserves to be in his life as much as possible.
Why aren't you two together, then? It really would help your child to see two good grown up adults making things work. Right now you aren't giving that example.
Always sad to see people split up after having children. Seems to be quite a popular thing in America. Sadly, these events always effect the child in a negative way.

Is there no way of getting things back on track?
You must not be in Michigan.
Here, women really have to be shown to be unfit mothers NOT to get primary custody.
also word of advice, take the child support - don't use it, put it in savings for college.

Thats what we did with my step daughter - she has college money for a few years because of it.
Why aren't you two together, then? It really would help your child to see two good grown up adults making things work. Right now you aren't giving that example.
becsuse we don't like each other like that anymore you fucking retard.
A child being with his parents instead of daycare is obviously what's best for them. I was the Only one capable of staying home during the day and still able to provide an income plus I'm a great dad so it was a no brainer.
To an extent. When the child is older it's better for them to be in a setting where they can socialize with other kids.
You must not be in Michigan.
Here, women really have to be shown to be unfit mothers NOT to get primary custody.
No not Michigan. It wasn't a matter of her being "unfit" as a mother they had to award the title of custodial parent to one of us and it usually goes to the parent who is the primary care taker.
becsuse we don't like each other like that anymore you fucking retard.
How nice of you to traumatize your own child and not give her a good example of how to keep a family together. But hey, it's all about you and how you feel. Because your fucking girly feels are important, your child's future isn't.

Fucking loser.
To an extent. When the child is older it's better for them to be in a setting where they can socialize with other kids.
I'm not home schooling my son he's only a year old. We go to the YMCA 4 to 5 times a week where he gets to play with other babies.
How nice of you to traumatize your own child and not give her a good example of how to keep a family together. But hey, it's all about you and how you feel. Because your fucking girly feels are important, your child's future isn't.

Fucking loser.
lol what an idiot. grow up kid.