Just Checking in on the Ravens Fans. How are you guys doing?


Gold Belt
Aug 12, 2014
Reaction score
That was a crushing loss for a team that was expected by many to go all the way. I just wanted to check in on all of the Baltimore Ravens fans. How are you guys doing? Feel free to get it off your chest here.
Damn TS that's brutal. I'm not a Ravens fan, but that has to be a hard pill to swallow. Nobody expected that to happen today.
Right on. I hope your a betting man, because there was some bank to be made there.

Nah, unfortunately I'm too much of a bitch to split with my money over something as swingy as football, or sports in general. From time to time I bet, but I get it wrong a lot of the time too. I remember the losses more than I do the wins tbh. I think its just the way I'm wired. I hate to lose more than I like winning.
Nah, unfortunately I'm too much of a bitch to split with my money over something as swingy as football, or sports in general. From time to time I bet, but I get it wrong a lot of the time too. I remember the losses more than I do the wins tbh. I think its just the way I'm wired. I hate to lose more than I like winning.

I hear ya. The only time I ever bet is when I have people over for a fight card; and even then it's usually only a few dollars and never more than $20.
I'm a fan of football more than of any particular team. That game was nuts. The Ravens did so many things well all season and the wheels fell of the bus. They had converted every fourth and one all season. Last night they were 0-2 on fourth and one. Henry and the Titans running game is no joke. Then those trick plays, Henry throwing for a touchdown and Tannehil receiving for a touchdown. Unreal. Still give the Niners the edge against them but the Titans are playing at their peak.

Interested in seeing what they're saying in Baltimore.
As a Steelers fan I enjoyed seeing them lose. But it’s still likely this division is theirs for the foreseeable future :(
Saints fans be like ‘I know that feel bruh’

Hopefully Packer fans will be joining them in mourning soon..