Just back from my private with Jacare...

The Sickness

Apr 11, 2002
Reaction score
He's a certified bad ass! Anyway, he tightened up my guard passing, helped my out with my kimura/armlock combos, then showed me four variations of the clock choke, two of which I had never seen before. He then proceeded to whoop my ass for a good 15 minutes. This may have been the best $100 I've ever spent...
that is thesickness!!!! awesome...tottally awesome. how big is he in person?
I totally forgot my damn camera like an ass so no pics. He is pretty big in person, and he has no body fat whatsoever. He will be fighting MMA next year, he said he just wants to get better with his punches and kicks. Really nice guy, when I go to Brazil in the summer, Ima train with him, he impressed me that much to change all my travel plans...
for a hundred dollars? damn
thats great for a private
did u do no gi also?
Just gi this time. I train at tenth planet, so I do no gi all the time. I was looking to tighten up my gi game...
Nice. "Good for you man. Good for YOU. Good FOR you."
The Sickness said:
I totally forgot my damn camera like an ass so no pics. He is pretty big in person, and he has no body fat whatsoever. He will be fighting MMA next year, he said he just wants to get better with his punches and kicks. Really nice guy, when I go to Brazil in the summer, Ima train with him, he impressed me that much to change all my travel plans...

NICE for the training but totally sucks for the no camera thing!

Does he train in Europe somewhere? I got this vacation coming and some place in Europe has him as a teacher there. If he is there I am going to try and take a class and maybe a private from him along with Roger Gracie for sure.

*** Note to self, take two cameras and a video along. ***
Sounds awesome. Did he show you that sweet guard pass of his that he uses all the time?
Please go into more detail about your sparring session with him. What was it like?
Not to be a smart ass or anything,,,, but, you don't need to get a personal lesson or anything like that be in total awe of the man. He's one of the top three most phenomenal grapplers on the World has ever seen. Marcelo Garcia, Jacare, and Roger are almost God's in most people's eye's. If you live in California and saw him in ADCC (as you probably did) you would and should be in total awe just to be in his presence.

Would you expect anything less from a Jacare private???
He is just a regular guy who has applied him self... I hate when people refer to these guys as gods.

Dont get me wrong, he deserves respect and i would admire him.. but not to that extent.

Your lucky for the personal!! wish it was me.
Lucky bastard...

Good to hear that Jacare is as cool in person as he seems to be on camera.
He did indeed show me his famous guard pass, and I am trying to use it all the time now. Our sparring session started on the feet, and me being a part time judo guy, I tried to throw him. That was a very huge mistake as he is much better at throws than I am. On the ground, he passed my guard with ease, then I tried to use the Prison Break to put him in half guard(see Bravo vs Gracie if you don't know this move). But every time I tried, he just jumped to the other side and had even better control than before. After his initial guard pass, he never let me put him in full guard again. Our sparring session taught me alot about the importance of moving, and changing sides and being active. I am a huge fan of his and no, I didn't need a private to be in awe of his skill, but it sure was nice...
I hate you.

The Sickness said:
Our sparring session started on the feet, and me being a part time judo guy, I tried to throw him. That was a very huge mistake as he is much better at throws than I am.

Isn't Jacare a part time judo guy too?
Which Jacare? The black dude from brazil? I think his name is Paulo Sauzo right?