Judo throws for MMA


Green Belt
Jul 27, 2005
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What are the most effective judo throws to use for MMA. Specifically stuff you can use without a gi and the mma gloves on.
inner leg reaping and outer leg reaping. fedor does those both in all of his fights. osorto gati I guess and ouchi gati I think those are the proper names.
Osoto Gari. I have heard that Moroto Gari is good, but not quite sure what it is.

Also, I would think Ta Otoshi (spelling?) would work, but haven't seen it.
In MMA fighting a simple hip throw from judo would work, but you do not need anything that fancy. Get your opponent against the fence. Get underhooks on him and sweep his foot from under him. If you have him against the fence then get underhooks and quickly drop down to grab a leg or both and pull them out from under him.
many judo throws can work well in MMA, Tai otoshi is a great one and thee are a variety of grips that u can use to execute it, either use a whizzer grip or a head and arm grip and you will nail the throw perfectly. O uchi gari is another easy one, get a good body clinch and slide a leg in. Footsweeps take a little longer to get good at, but a good underhook game will help you with those a lot. Find a decent Judo school to help you with the technique and learn how to pummel, the rest will come to you.
not many "judo" Mma fighters have "thrown" their oppents very often. THey do however use the trips very well. The only person i have seen that uses "throws" on a consistant basis in Kayro.
tinker_190 said:
Osoto Gari. I have heard that Moroto Gari is good, but not quite sure what it is.

Also, I would think Ta Otoshi (spelling?) would work, but haven't seen it.

Morote Gari is a double leg
blanko said:
not many "judo" Mma fighters have "thrown" their oppents very often. THey do however use the trips very well. The only person i have seen that uses "throws" on a consistant basis in Kayro.
fedor does it quite a bit too. oh and sakurai!
Uchi Mata exists in freestyle wrestling. It's a form of what's called a "hip lift." Karo uses Uchi Mata sometimes.

Imagine a headlock throw (O-Goshi, but with your arms locked around his head and arm instead of his waist), but instead of holding the head, you reach back with that arm and hook his lat. Pop him up and over with your leg. Uchi Mata.
busta' had some really nice trip takedowns in his fight with dan henderson in the last Pride. He tripped him up a couple of times. We did the same thing in judo, just forget what it's called. Just a regular hip toss works too.
Osoto Gari???

Karo Parisyan's Judo for MMA instructrional is avail on the sherdog store and is pretty good.
When you take off the gi, I don't really know that they are true Judo throws anymore. More of a mix of Greco Roman and Judo altered to work. Some are unmistakeable, like Joe Stevenson's surprising (to me) drop Seoi Nage on Cummo. But even a lot of Karo's "Judo" throws could be called wrestling throws as well.

So I'd say instead of focusing on the style of throws, look for things that are working on a higher percentage. It doesn't always have to be a high amplitude throw, that just makes your ego feel better. Take a look at what the BTT guys do for good examples. Not overly flashy, but like someone just mentioned Bustamonte was able to take (former Olympic wrestler) Henderson down like 5 times in their fight with unassuming leg reaps in their last fight. Was it Judo? Was is wrestling? Was it Brazilian Jiujitsu? Who knows, but it sure as hell worked over and over again.
JustSomeGuy said:
More of a mix of Greco Roman and Judo altered to work.
That's not true at all. In MMA, many of the throws that are executed trip or attack the leg(s) of the opponent in some way. In Greco, you are expressly forbidden from attacking the legs of the opponent in any manner whatsoever. Truth be told, there are not a lot of guys doing Greco throws in MMA. People mistake takedowns from the clinch, no matter if the legs are attacked, as being Greco Roman technique. People frequently compliment Randy on his Greco takedowns, but I can only think of a handful of times he has taken someone down in a true Greco manner. Most of the time he employs leg trips or reaps or single/double legs. None of those techniques are legal in Greco, so it's safer to say he gets his takedown expertise from his time wrestling in high school and college (folkstyle wrestling).
when you are in the clinch, i always do this spin, grab the arm near the elbow, and drop into them causing them to flip over me. i love this move and have seen a few judo guys do this.
hockeyfacekilla said:
when you are in the clinch, i always do this spin, grab the arm near the elbow, and drop into them causing them to flip over me. i love this move and have seen a few judo guys do this.
That is soto makikomi in judo. I've never seen it in MMA, but seems to me like one of the throws best suited for it. It also can do damage iwhen you land on top of the guy. To get it, it would have to be used from the clinch when the guy tries to pull his head out.
Mojorisin99 said:
What are the most effective judo throws to use for MMA. Specifically stuff you can use without a gi and the mma gloves on.

High percentage throws / takedowns that are commonly trained in judo and that could be used in MMA?

Morote gari, kuchiki daoshi, kata guruma, kibisu gaeshi, ura nage, daki age otoshi, ashi waza, goshi variations, sume gaeshi, etc.


Double leg takedown, single leg takedown, firemans' carry, heel pick, suplex, the Rampage / Arona pickup (and slam), foot sweeps / trips, hip throws with reaping legs in all kinds of intial tie-up variations, sacrifice drop sweep-ish throws, and more...
Resident A-hole said:
That is soto makikomi in judo. I've never seen it in MMA, but seems to me like one of the throws best suited for it.

Are you serious in that you've never seen this in MMA? Then good job conceptualizing how this throw could work in MMA.
Karo's kind of made it a popular throw.
He even put soto makikomi (his version) on the cover of his instructional...

There are many good take downs in MMA. If you feel that you are better on the ground than your opponent the grab hold of him and sit back into your guard puling him on top of you. Or use the jumping guard.

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