You are living up to the Sherdog code "once you lose you are never good." Lol what a moronAldo was never really that good. He only beat up boxer/wrestlers who were one dimensional despite being labeled two style fighters. He was complacent, lazy and much bigger than those he beat even though the two guys he lost two were huge and almost killed themselves to make the weight class. He never went out on his shield. He's too busy making burgers and Stephens is gonna murk him.
No hespek. Nada.
Aldo was never really that good. He only beat up boxer/wrestlers who were one dimensional despite being labeled two style fighters. He was complacent, lazy and much bigger than those he beat even though the two guys he lost two were huge and almost killed themselves to make the weight class. He never went out on his shield. He's too busy making burgers and Stephens is gonna murk him.
No hespek. Nada.
Aldo was never really that good. He only beat up boxer/wrestlers who were one dimensional despite being labeled two style fighters. He was complacent, lazy and much bigger than those he beat even though the two guys he lost two were huge and almost killed themselves to make the weight class. He never went out on his shield. He's too busy making burgers and Stephens is gonna murk him.
No hespek. Nada.
You forgot coasting in fights, not learning english, complaining about the UFC, drug test fiascos, all while trying to silently cement his legacy as the GOAT.
Doesn't work like that Jose.
I respect him as a fighter but he got what he deserved imo.
Aldo was never really that good. He only beat up boxer/wrestlers who were one dimensional despite being labeled two style fighters. He was complacent, lazy and much bigger than those he beat even though the two guys he lost two were huge and almost killed themselves to make the weight class. He never went out on his shield. He's too busy making burgers and Stephens is gonna murk him.
No hespek. Nada.
Do you just copy and paste everything these days? Sad way to get your post count upAldo was never really that good. He only beat up boxer/wrestlers who were one dimensional despite being labeled two style fighters. He was complacent, lazy and much bigger than those he beat even though the two guys he lost two were huge and almost killed themselves to make the weight class. He never went out on his shield. He's too busy making burgers and Stephens is gonna murk him.
No hespek. Nada.