The interview is very big, im gonna translate the best parts
Are you going to watch the fight between mc gregor and diaz ?
No, this is not a fight. During my trainings, I always larned how to have respect. There is no respect between these guys. Of course there are some people that like this bulllshit. I Don´t watch fights anyways. I Prefer other sports. I love football, volleyball, basketball....
Ans also, the fight is really late ( in brazil).
What did you think about the fight between anderson and bisping?
I Couldn´t wacth because I was on a beneficiary event. Everyone told me that Anderson won. But that´s it...fighting in another country, with other judges, if you don´t win clearly, these things can hapen.
Did you have any contact with mc gregor?
No, and I don´t want to.
Whats your feeling for him?
I Don´t have a feeling for him. He did this job, which is beeing a joker.
Is it true that you got 5 million when you faced mc gregor?
I don´t know from where these things come from.People say 5 million, ten million. I dind´t get this. If I had I would be smilling now. First of all, every time a brazilian that lives here fights in US, they take 30% of the purse, plus 20% of the manager, plus the part of the atletic comission. I Don´t know how they think we make that much on a fight. If it is, they need to pay me.