If some cities have a problem with stabbings, would there be knife bans?
If some cities have a problem with stabbings, would there be knife bans?
Yeah, because no one went to war with primitive instruments over the course of history. I get that he is one of the more pure christian adherents, but he says some stupid shit.
I agree with his sentiment to the extent that I agree with his overall position that the overall reduction of violent capabilities will necessarily reduce violence overall.
However, that purely collectivist and theoretical desire doesn't consider (a) individual interests toward liberty and protection [even if there is less violence overall, that makes no difference to the sudden victim of violence now unable to protect themselves] and (b) existing power disparities that could be in fact aggravated by bilateral disarmament.
Love him, and don't think this really deserves any jeers, but I personally disagree using my own principles.
He is not a pure adherent at all. He is a Marxist turd fuck.
He is exceedingly stupid. No weapons do a fucking thing until people weld them.
Love thy enemies and all that jazz.
He said to them, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one."
Luke 22:36
There is literally no reason to own a rock in a major city.Pretty sure Cain bashed in Abels head with a rock