Social Jordan Peterson and Dave Rubin have announced they are forming an alternative to Patreon


The Last Iconoclast
Sep 19, 2017
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This could be huge. Just think about it. Picture a platform where all political speech was allowed. Picture the free exchange of ideas. I know it sounds crazy and dangerous to some, but until we stop censorship regarding political speech, nothing changes.

In his YouTube address, Peterson asked observers to be patient, though he hopes to get “something up” before Christmas. “I don’t want people to think we are taking this lightly or lying down,” he said.
Nice idea. Those who are against free speech and are fascist liberals will not like this. Oh look at the post above
Peterson rakes in a lot of dough through Patreon so this is quite a risk. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. I don't see the appeal to Rubin. Maybe he's a cool guy to hang out with or whatever, but the times I tried to watch him he came off as a total goof.
Why'd you literally post Donald Trump's picture?

I've never heard of Patreon. What kind of speech is not currently allowed on Patreon?
Good for them. Let the free market decide. But LOL at thinkng a site with little to no moderation won't simply degrade down to constant 4chan level stupidity and trolling.
I saw a video by Rubin the other day where he explained that he'd stay on Patreon (while Sam Harris didn't) due to the fact it provides him with 70% of his income. Interesting development.
This could be huge. Just think about it. Picture a platform where all political speech was allowed. Picture the free exchange of ideas. I know it sounds crazy and dangerous to some, but until we stop censorship regarding political speech, nothing changes.

In his YouTube address, Peterson asked observers to be patient, though he hopes to get “something up” before Christmas. “I don’t want people to think we are taking this lightly or lying down,” he said.
Now let’s see if they remain free speech or not
"I'm fed up with this horrible website that has given me more money than any person in my life! Followers, please continue listening to me speak and giving me money on my own site where I get more of a cut! I speak truth!"
Might sound good in theory, but it’s very likely to completely fail. You don’t just launch the next Patreon. If it was as easy as just throwing a bit of ((Peterson’s) money at it, it would have been done already. Whenever Peterson speaks about his life, it sounds like he’s completely swamped with speaking engagements. It doesn’t sound like he has much time for anything else, let alone launch a new app, That’s also completely ignoring the fact that he has zero experience in this space, from an administrative or organizational standpoint.
Might sound good in theory, but it’s very likely to completely fail. You don’t just launch the next Patreon. If it was as easy as just throwing a bit of ((Peterson’s) money at it, it would have been done already. Whenever Peterson speaks about his life, it sounds like he’s completely swamped with speaking engagements. It doesn’t sound like he has much time for anything else, let alone launch a new app, That’s also completely ignoring the fact that he has zero experience in this space, from an administrative or organizational standpoint.

I stand to be corrected, but I think Peterson's son, daughter and daughter's boyfriend do a bunch of tech stuff for Peterson. He is probably letting them take the reigns on this 'new patreon' project and providing the funding.
I stand to be corrected, but I think Peterson's son, daughter and daughter's boyfriend do a bunch of tech stuff for Peterson. He is probably letting them take the reigns on this 'new patreon' project and providing the funding.

His brother-in-law is Jim (Fucking) Keller.
Peterson has turned into a hack real quick.

Taste of that money.

How has he turned into a hack? He is still doing the exact same thing he has been doing for years. He travels around and does interviews, talks and discussions. The only difference is now he has money to fund projects he is interested in.
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How has he turned into a hack? He is still doing the exact same thing he has been doing for years. He goes around and does interview, talks and discussions. The only difference is now he has money to fund projects he is interested in.

He’s now a hack who’s tasted the money and loves the spotlight.
Good luck. I always think these people are naive about just how much human detritus is drawn to these sites.
Remember to bump this when their terms of service are out.
I stand to be corrected, but I think Peterson's son, daughter and daughter's boyfriend do a bunch of tech stuff for Peterson. He is probably letting them take the reigns on this 'new patreon' project and providing the funding.

Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s true, but that still wouldn’t be anywhere near enough. We’re talking about building a company here, and all the monotonous, yet inexpendable stuff that goes along with it (server admin, content updates, legal shit, etc.). This is a huge undertaking, the reason I’m suspicious is because he said he hoped to have something up by Christmas, which seems absolutely insane if you assumed he just got this idea after the latest round of patreon bans.