Jones Bandaged Toe, Injury?

Getting his excuse lined up. Laying the pipework before the fight incase he doesn't perform well. The toes probably fine
Dude, I'm sitting here eating Zaxby's chicken fingers, no lie.
Jones would fight threw any injury .... he’s got a huge heart
that looks very dangerous for jon to fight with that.
The Jones hate is fucking pathetic. Peeps hoping he gets cancer saying shit like "Don't roids work on legs lolz!" are sad fucking losers. No amount of Roids would make any of you sorry sacs of shit handle an injury like that without screaming and crying like little bitches. He didn't even notice. Losers.

fitting name
I'm torn between my newfound distaste for cheating Jones and for my longtime held dislike for Gustafson his unearned title-shots and his 5+ year campaign of whining about losing to Jones.

I guess I'd be happy if Jones got ktfo, I just don't think Gus is the man to do it...nor do I think I want him to be.
The day glorious and undefeated Chael Patrick Sonnen defeated Jon Jones and was robbed by the judges.
Chael was the first true 2 division champ that day

Once he is finished with the Bellator heavyweight division, he will be the first and only 3 division champ
The Jones hate is fucking pathetic. Peeps hoping he gets cancer saying shit like "Don't roids work on legs lolz!" are sad fucking losers. No amount of Roids would make any of you sorry sacs of shit handle an injury like that without screaming and crying like little bitches. He didn't even notice. Losers.

Wishing cancer on anyone (except kiddie fiddlers) is way over the top.
But, Jones is a cunt and everyone has every right to hate the cheating piece of shit!
Wishing cancer on anyone (except kiddie fiddlers) is way over the top.
But, Jones is a cunt and everyone has every right to hate the cheating piece of shit!

Everyone has every right to root for him too. God I hope he gives these sad fuckers a real reason to hate him tonight, when he dominates Gus.
But since we are wishing creative bad things on Jon Jones hey look at me guys, I hate him so much hope Bevon Lewis repeatedly knees him in the Gooch.

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