Media Jon Jones top 5 fighters of all-times (Leaves out Fedor)


Square up with yo'self motherf*cker
Nov 20, 2005
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I like how the controversial part of this is supposed to be the lack of Fedor, but not the inclusion of Khabib.
Khabib was a great fighter. A very dominant champion. But Fedor was dominant for much much longer and has more than twice the amount of quality wins as Khabib. That's not debatable.

Khabib is not even top 10, probably not even top 15 of all time.
Juicy Jones shouldn’t be on any top list due to his never having to compete under the same restrictions as his opponents.
let me remind you fedor lost left and right in a drug testing org that is strikeforce
and dont say hes out of his prime hes like 32 years old

his wins in pride where 90 percent unkown fighters
best wins where nog and cro cop

you dont really need to have an iq of a scientist to figure this out
dude cant perform well if there is drug testing and better competition
I don't blame him for leaving fedor out. No UFC plus really bad performances like this


As far as numagomedov, he just didn't defend his title enough to belong.
