Jon Jones Presser live stream discussion

doubt he is gonna man up and admit what he did.
probably will spew some bullshit.
Jones: I'd like to start off by saying, Hey pussy, are you still there? *Drops mike and leaves...
And so we wait....
This is so unlike Jon. From my understanding he isn't down for short notice stuff.
This presser could turn really bad but i guess it beats sitting home and avoid internet for a month.
Innocent until proven guilty

For all we know his coke was tainted
"My urine was hacked! It was a very intimate and passionate moment, thankyou for listening. God bless."

-Jon Jones.
Tainted supplements the early betting favorite followed by mystery pills from a former olympian teammate
"I want to apologize to the UFC, my coaches, my team, my family, my fans, and even DC.

I will get help, I will become a better person, and come back much stronger."

Probably this. Same old story with that coke sniffing cheating bastard.
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Anderson supplied him viagra
I'm gonna believe every word that comes out of his mouth