Jon Jones is insecure

You haven’t been watching mma for a long time or you don’t actually watch the fights, the guys who really trash talked Jon or brought up his partying are the ones who either got dominated for 5 rounds, Rashad Evans or humiliated and finished brutally, rampage Jackson, Chael Sonnen. He never mauled someone sitting down against the fence like that, you could tell he really wanted to make an example of Chael, probably because Chael mentioned his other daughter by saying “Jon I think you left something in Iowa.” That would be enough to make any man want to beat you into a coma idk why Chael thought it was a good idea to do it to someone who could kill him.

None of those fighters were any good anymore at that point really.

But my bad I didn't explain myself properly.

He's insecure, so I mean someone who trashtalks about his abilities in the octagon.

The way Conor would call Aldo too stiff etc.

Obviously someone who can back it up too.

But I think trashtalking Jones' abilities increases the odds of beating him
Him saying he doesn't want to fight DC at HW to not give him an advantage

Taking roids

Not looking his opponent in the eyes

Him constantly trying to justify everything he does ("I should be proud of myself for holding my own with a muay Thai blackbelt", after underperforming)

All signs of low self esteem...

A really good trashtalker would increase the odds of Jones losing massively in my eyes.

Its amazing to hear people online who have never played a sport yet alone fought, make assessments about the mental fortitude of professional fighters.

These guys fight other men infront of millions of people half naked as a CAREER, many have been competing at the highest level since they were children

Your suggesting one of the best, most brutal fighters in this echelon is insecure?

Try to keep things in perspective when making these sublimely idiotic assessments
Him saying he doesn't want to fight DC at HW to not give him an advantage

Taking roids

Not looking his opponent in the eyes

Him constantly trying to justify everything he does ("I should be proud of myself for holding my own with a muay Thai blackbelt", after underperforming)

All signs of low self esteem...

A really good trashtalker would increase the odds of Jones losing massively in my eyes.

You need to get a refund from who ever gave you your psychology degree
Well after the “none of those fighters were any good at that point really part” I realized you’re just some insecure troll trying to discredit a great UFC champion. But for the sake of fucking up your plans of convincing dumb noobs who skinny over this shit that what you say holds any merit I’ll be more than happy to bring up the fact like heavyweight was a shark tank and the best it had ever been durring Jon Jones initial run. Jon Jones ran through world beater after world beater guys that outclassed and finished the old era of light heavyweights like Tito and Chuck.

There is no fighter

Not even your favorite rather it be GSP or Fedor who would have withstood the line up of

Shogun, Rampage, Machida Evans, TRT Belfort(the fight Jon won with an injured arm and Vitor tested positive for) Chael Sonnen, Alexander Gustaffson, Glover Teixiera(20 fight win streak Glover not the Glover of today) Daniel cormerx2 and Gus again

And that’s not even mentioning his rise to his title shot, that list alone encompasses every style of fighter mma has to offer and Jon Jones beat them all. I’ll repeat it’s again NO FIGHTER NOT EVEN YOUR FAVORITE WOULD HAVE REMAINED UNDEFEATED.

As far as trash talking abilities go you probably missed the second dc fight where dc said he’d run through him in the stand up and said he looked like a bum against OSP and wasn’t the king anymore, and how if Jon wasn’t working just as hard that he was going to expose him, the same fight where Jon Jones said he intended to come out of the gate high paced because after what DC said he knew there wasn’t going to be any feeling out process, you know the same fight where he started the round STRONG and the entire fight was at a fast pace with each man getting a take down DC landing clean shots when he managed to get in range but Jon landing shots on DC from almost anywhere? Then finishing him Or did you confidently not watch that fight or the build up.
Oh yeah the fight he was so confident for that he popped for roids...

Also I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna bother rewatching the fight, but didn't Jones look bad until he landed the high kick?
I might remember this wrong though

Well you have some decent arguments here, I'll admit, but most of the fighters were oldtimers when Jones fought them and except for Gus, none of the fighters mentioned come anywhere near Jones' length or reach.

And the only guy that did (Gus), arguably beat Jones in the first fight.
(yes I know Jones 'didn't' train, another excuse)

The only point I want to make is that Jones is not as mentally strong as people think and fighters could gain benefits from exploiting that.

You make it seem that I'm saying trashtalking will neutralize all disadvantages
Which makes his run in the UFC and being the overall GOAT even more impressive. He's fighting certified killers and mental issues, wow.

I'm not sure the world is ready for Confident Jon
Oh come on he's fighting the same guy, different weight class...

And he keeps using the excuse of being a naturally skinny guy with skinny legs for not moving up
Well his nickname is "bones" for a reason. And changing weight classes has proven to be difficult for most fighters. You're demanding a fighter go up in weight despite never having knockout power at his natural weight class, and also giving up height, physical strength and in most cases a serious reach advantage just so you can feel that he's being significantly challenged?

To what purpose? These are prize fighters, this isn't a fictional world where people are killing each other over concepts like honor and the sake of competition
Well his nickname is "bones" for a reason. And changing weight classes has proven to be difficult for most fighters. You're demanding a fighter go up in weight despite never having knockout power at his natural weight class, and also giving up height, physical strength and in most cases a serious reach advantage just so you can feel that he's being significantly challenged?

To what purpose? These are prize fighters, this isn't a fictional world where people are killing each other over concepts like honor and the sake of competition
Well, at the moment he's mostly fighting guys that are way shorter than him.

People were saying Conor only fought midgets top (I know it's different because he cut a lot of weight, but still)

What does Jones naturally weigh anyway?

Naturally as in without cutting, not as in without roids.

So yeah, real fighters challenge themselves.

Not p4p #1 as long as he doesn't try and fight a HW
Psychology is 75% bullshit anyway... So it might be a career to pursue for all Sherdoggers then I guess

So you just made up your assessment because of what you see on tv lol
Almost all fighters who run thrue a division as easily as he has have gone on to fight in other weight classes.

Also he doesn't have to put weight on to fight at HW if he doesn't feel like that will give him an advantage

Have they?

GSP went up but fought one of the easier top 10 middleweights. Silva fought guys who weren't champion. DC had fought at heavyweight before so knew how his body would react. McGregor exhausted himself jumping up to a new weight vs Diaz. Holloway's style didn't translate. Cejudo fought at bantamweight before.

You're expecting Jon to move up to a new weight class and fight the best guy there. Historically that hasn't worked out well for anybody. It'd be different if he could move up and take a couple of fights to adjust to the new weight. But the UFC aren't going to pay him the same money to do that, so why not sit at light heavyweight until the money is right?

He's not going to go in there the same weight. DC outweighs him by 10-15lbs, he'd be hugely disadvantaging himself going in at what he normally weighs fight night, 217-220. He doesn't know how fighting 5 rounds with an extra 10-20lbs is going to feel.

He's being realistic.
PED's needed to help him fight better.
Cocaine and pot to make him feel better.
Sex pills, well we all know what that treats.
Everything Jon injests is done to alter and enhance his natural state. So Jon is absolutely insecure.

I dont think trash talk affects him as much as being genuinely afraid of guys like Santos and Francis, and fear is what i saw, regardless of his decision win.

We'll never know how many times Jon injected in the past before he finally got caught. Back then he had a lot of confidence, and I believe that was artificial, a result of multiple drug use. Clearly today's Jon is not the same guy.
He beat DC twice already, is undefeated at LHW?

Not taking the fight sounds like a bitch move to me

Conor beat the champ of a heavier weight class after losing and winning to/from Diaz

Takes some confidence...
He beat the champion of a heavier weight class after going 1-1 against Diaz at WW?

Are you sure about this because as I recall it after the two Diaz fights he fought Alverez for the LW title, (LW being lower than WW to the best of my knowledge) not Bisping for the MW title right?