Please tell me who finished DC and Glover...Oh and Gustafsson got finished twice, one like, 200 years ago and got KO`ed by Rumble who would KO bears with that power.
Please tell me who finished DC and Glover...Oh and Gustafsson got finished twice, one like, 200 years ago and got KO`ed by Rumble who would KO bears with that power.
Who has he failed to finish that he should have?
Because GSP gets dragged into everything. Just a sign of his GOATnessHow did I know GSP would be dragged into yet another shit thread ?
He has shown some dificulties finishing oponents of his own size. But with smaller fighters (machida, shogun, sonnen) he's a beast. It happens the same thing with Conor Mcgregor.Or he's just playing it safe just like GSP?