Jon Jones brother’s contract is 51 million over 3 years

War Chandler
war Raiders!



Ohtani is projected to get 500+ million contract after this year, probably 50+ million per year.

Just because some other dudes are getting paid a lot more, I don't think it necessarily means Jones isn't getting PAID. I'm thinking he is.

What one should focus on are lesser guys, prelim guys, regional level guys who actually don't make the money they should be making since top level guys do get their money and some.
Thats a LOT of money for a guy that i have absolutely no idea who he is, im not hating on him or anything, but that sounds like a "best paid athlete" type of deal, where even when you dont follow their sport, you know who they are.
To be fair if Chandler gets 25 sacks which is about where he should be in 3 years he'd be top ten all time. Its not like he's just been an average player. He has been a very good DE for a long time. At his age though that does seem like a terrible contract for the team.

To your point though, yes UFC fighters are underpaid.
Na. Other athletes are overpaid. Objectively
I don't know what you mean by "there's no ref," since there are no fewer than seven separate officials on the football field to catch and penalize illegal plays like blindside blocks. If you mean that the referee doesn't actually physically prevent players from doing it, that's true of MMA as well. Regardless of if it's an eye poke, a low blow, or whatever, the referee doesn't physically intervene in MMA either until after the illegal move has already happened. So what in the world are you talking about?

Well in the sense that in a combat sports arena the ref is right there on top of the action and dedicated to only the two combatants. In football, while there are multiple referees involved, they are not dedicated to the safety and well being of only two, as there are 22 players all at once. The point I was trying to make is that in a combat sport, you dont get tackled or blocked from behind or a blindside and get melted by a 290lb lineman who runs a 40 in under 4 or 5 seconds. Is there danger in mma, hell yes. Will you get absolutely fucked up in an mma fight, yes as well. Theres no guarantee in any combat sport of personal safety. I would rather take my chances and have confidence in my training to know whats in front of me rather than not knowing if a hit is coming by a 6'5 290lb freight train behind me. I hope that clears it up.
Ohtani is a generational talent and deserve to get stupid money. Take what you pay a top hitting outfielder and a top pitcher and add the contacts together and that's what he deserves because that is what he is.

He deserves it. No one really cares though. Baseball is the sport that is really dying. Interest is at an all time low since the strike season. I religiously play season long fantasy baseball and I don't watch any of it outside of the playoffs.
He deserves it. No one really cares though. Baseball is the sport that is really dying. Interest is at an all time low since the strike season. I religiously play season long fantasy baseball and I don't watch any of it outside of the playoffs.
You're preaching to the choir. I was the biggest baseball fan I knew. Watched every single Red Sox game as a kid.... But back then it wasnt just watchable but ENJOYABLE. Now I can't even watch it.

The game started at 7 and was over before I went to bed at 10. Now 10 rolls around and its in the 6th fucking inning. It is all the stat geeks ruining it. Hell they're pulling pitchers in no hitters and perfect games now.... small ball isn't even a thing anymore. Remember the suicide squeeze? As exciting as any play in sports... gone... Well enough rambling by me lol you got me going.
More eyes on the sport, and Football has been around forever so more money in it automatically
My bad, you guys are 100% correct. ONE person has in fact died during an NFL game, Chuck Hughes died due to a heart attack in 1971. Fifa did a report on sudden cardiac arrests in Soccer from 2014 - 2018 and found that 617 people died in that four year period...
An NFL player died on the field just a month ago... he was revived, but he did in fact die on the field.
Damar Hamlin died on the field literally a month ago... he was revived, but he was dead for 10 minutes.
His heart stopped from a player spearing his helmet into his heart.
He deserves it. No one really cares though. Baseball is the sport that is really dying. Interest is at an all time low since the strike season. I religiously play season long fantasy baseball and I don't watch any of it outside of the playoffs.


I love the season, except about half way thru when it gets doggin, lol
Love boring ass baseball, don’t know why

but yeah they keep trying to change the game to make it faster/better and it makes it worse

I love the season, except about half way thru when it gets doggin, lol
Love boring ass baseball, don’t know why

but yeah they keep trying to change the game to make it faster/better and it makes it worse

Baseball is stupid. I still love it. MLB has done nothing but make terrible decision after terrible decision. It also doesn't help that there's no spending ceiling or floor, so half the league is out of contention a month in and the fanbases don't care, essentially wiping out earning potential outside of local TV deals. Shit, I could go on about Baseball for hours. I need to stop, lol.
Damar Hamlin died on the field literally a month ago... he was revived, but he was dead for 10 minutes.
His heart stopped from a player spearing his helmet into his heart.
Yeah I watched the game it was awful but as you point out he didn't die, they also haven't publicly announced what caused the cardiac arrest yet. It could have been a preexisting condition similar to Erickson in the world cup.
There's no way to tell how good his brother would've been if he juiced.
Chandler would be through if he took 3 years off.
MMA is a niche sport with shit salaries. Don’t believe the bald goof’s lies.
well to be fair, chandler plays 18 games a season, Jones fights once a year. Football imo is scarier than prize fighting. At least in a fight you have control over your destiny, in football you can get hit from blind side and theres no ref to stop it from happening.

Jon fights once a year?
Warning: Lots of pondering in this one:

It'd be interesting to compare Americrican Football players to Pro fighters.
-Helmets vs 4 oz gloves.
-Effects of cutting weight for smaller fighters vs players.
-Kickers and QBs who aren't supposed to get regularly clobbered
-(As some one mentioned earlier) Getting blind sided in football vs hardly ever in MMA
- 5 fights max (all of which might not be against the best fighters) in a years vs 17-20 games (right?) per season including the playoffs which should have the best players (not sure if that has an effect.

Also, to have the same/similar sort of rabid fan base as athletes who play team sports, it seems like fighters need to be (and train in) a particular place to have the same rabid fanbase that a local sports team does.

In modern MMA (and I'm not contending that all of these have massive local followings,) I think of guys like Oliveira, Conor, Paddy, Paul Craig, Edwards, Weidman before he left LI, Sanchez, Holly Holm, Matt Serra, etc... who live/train locally.

Baseball... Would be great if your kids could ever make it to the big leagues(which will never happen, realistically).

The key might be to move to the Dominican Republic (don't @ me over security, etc...) since those kids end up end up making it to the majors at a significantly higher rate than our kids do here in the states.

To be fair if Chandler gets 25 sacks which is about where he should be in 3 years he'd be top ten all time. Its not like he's just been an average player. He has been a very good DE for a long time. At his age though that does seem like a terrible contract for the team.

To your point though, yes UFC fighters are underpaid.

Team sports are tougher re: determining ATG status for individual players.
I'm sure that there are American Football fanatics who may have something to say to the contrary; but if Barry Sanders had played with even a half decent offensive line, I doubt that anyone would've cared (hyperbole of course) about any other running back at the time or since.

He has at times led the NFL in sacks, tackles for loss, forced fumbles, and fumbles recovered.

There you go!
With team sports, each player brings their own specific dynamic to the overall team.

A guy like GSP will literally train MT & BJJ in NYC, MMA in Montreal, boxing with Freddie Roach (LA?,) etc...

He doesn't need to fulfill a certain role within a "team."
And theoretically, anyone with sufficient financial backing would be able to do the same thing.