Jon Anik Has Rectangled His Eyebrows


Steel Belt
Jan 12, 2007
Reaction score
I've never seen this before. Absolute rectangles. If anyone has pics feel free to post them!


Thanks to SL9 for the pic!
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Fuckin awesome I almost shit myself. I just mentioned to my bro who is a casual fan how awesomely rectangular his eyebrows were, and I stumble on this thread.

Glad it wasn't just me who noticed lol.
Nice chickesque observation. Do you happen to be gay?
Not that I miss him but where is goldie?

There's an article on it. No reason was given but that he took some time off - Dana doesn't know when he'll return as of that article. I honestly can't remember the last ppv he took off while Rogan does now and again. I think it's a temporary thing.
Nice chickesque observation. Do you happen to be gay?

I forgot to mention no homo. Just romo. You will notice and be intrigued when you see them. They're like narrower Hitler moustaches over his eyes. That's not why they're intriguing though.
There's an article on it. No reason was given but that he took some time off - Dana doesn't know when he'll return as of that article. I honestly can't remember the last ppv he took off while Rogan does now and again. I think it's a temporary thing.
I forgot to mention no homo. Just romo. You will notice and be intrigued when you see them. They're like narrower Hitler moustaches over his eyes. That's not why they're intriguing though.
Yummy!! Can't wait.