Jon anik face tattoo watch

Anik better not welch on this (of course he is going to though) I would love to see him walking around with a face tatoo basically labeling him as a fool for the rest of his life
His tattoo should be a crow with a big 209 on it.
"Yo yo, Jon Anik better get a muthafuckin...209 tattoo or I'mma whoop his little ass" Nate's closing words of the press conference
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Looking for the finest tattoo artist in South Florida. All hail Nate Diaz. Honored to pay tribute to the Diaz bros. &amp; an all-time great win.</p>&mdash; Jon Anik (@Jon_Anik) <a href="">March 6, 2016</a></blockquote>
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He better get that shit