joined the wrestling team


Yellow Belt
Oct 10, 2005
Reaction score
well just joined the wrestling team and i was wondering if yall had any tips for me this is te first time i ever wrestled

also my weight is 195 but i will probley cut some weight off don't know what weight class i am in yet
If you want to be really competitive, doing cardio and weight training outside of practice is really beneficial. Making 189 would be easy for you, and the next weight class down is 171.
cool thanks man i think he might start me at 189 but i don't know i would like to wrestle at 171 it will be hard but thats my goal. yea i am gonna jump rope and run alot so i can get well conditioned and stuff cause my conditioning sucks
Dude, I just started about 3/4 months ago wrestling...whatever you do...MAKE SURE YOU DO SPRINTING INTERVALS ALONG with long distance/less intense cardio. If you only run/bike for extended periods of time at a normal or good pace, you are only training half of the cardio you need. Make sure that you do sprining intervals, either on the track/field/outside, or you can do sprinting intervals on a stationary bike at home or the gym, so that you can train ANaerobic fitness along with aerobic fitness. Don't ignore this. Trust me. You will thank me later. Wrestling IS anaerobic, so train for it. Good luck, buddy!!! :D
Yeah cardio is a big point in wrestling.
If your cardio sucks you can not go the full time on the mat.
Dude, enjoy it. Have fun. My HS didn't have a wrestling team and I hated that so much! Since I've never wrestled, I can't really give you any tips besides try hard, have fun, and do some cardio! Good luck man!
CDhamil said:
Dude, enjoy it. Have fun. My HS didn't have a wrestling team and I hated that so much!

Same here. Enjoy the hell out of it man, because some of us didn't have HS wrestling teams. Take advantage!
i have a question about high school wrestling. do you pin each other or what do u do to score points. and what would happen if i armbarred or RNC?

Ive never watched it before and wrestling isnt very popular here in tennessee
minimagpro said:
i have a question about high school wrestling. do you pin each other or what do u do to score points. and what would happen if i armbarred or RNC?

Ive never watched it before and wrestling isnt very popular here in tennessee

haha i did a nice armbar once before in a match. had it for about 2 seconds before ref seperated us. restarted us because it was a "potentially dangerous situation"
I joined my school's wrestling team too, first practice is Nov. 28th. I'm just running sprints and doing bodyweight exercises, they make you do A LOT of sprints, long distance running, pushups, and etc. But you should focus on technique, you can have the best cardio in the world and still be a shitty wrestler. Right now my 2 friends who are wrestlers have been coaching me and showing me a few takedowns, I suggest you find a wrestling partner and ask him to teach you a takedown and practice it.
cardio(especially sprints and intervals) and lots of technique are crucial for HS wrestling....lifting helps but depending on your recovery and how much u do in practice u might not have time for it (once matches started i never did)
cool thats a good idea i have a few friends thats in jrotc with me that can teach me thanks for the good idea
Neither my grade schools or my HS offered wrestling so I was SOL on that deal. Anyway, sprints will be the way to go, man.
drill. drill your drop steps, sprawls, and take downs constantly and go hard. at this point it's more important to get the basics down than to cut weight. If you eat healthy and run after practice the weight will come off by itself.
well today what i did i did

3 5 min rounds of doing
30 squats
30 push ups
30 jumping jacks
then sprinted up the hill and back down.

then kept adding on 10.

so when i finish the highest i got up to was 50 of each