John Cena looks creepy with hair, looks like an old pervert

"He grew his hair out for the “Project X” film with Jackie Chan that wrapped up a few weeks ago. Cena has since said that he likes it so he will keep the hair long for now.

He is scheduled to start filming “The Janson Directive” soon so he might be keeping it long for that film as well."
James Cameron looks weird with his medium length long hair too



"Where'd my testosterone go? Shit!"
lmao is that real? That is such a bad look for him. I cant imagine him without the military hairstyle.
It's the lack of a hint of any facial hair or stubble.

You can't have that much hair and be clean shaven. You need to offset it with a beard or some stubble.

Case in point: Dave Grohl

I don't see the difference tbh just a younger and older version. Btw he looks like he needs a shower in those pics.
I don't see the difference tbh just a younger and older version. Btw he looks like he needs a shower in those pics.

You don't see that in the top pic he has no beard and clearly looks like a goober, while in the bottom pic he has a beard and looks like a rock star?

You don't see that in the top pic he has no beard and clearly looks like a goober, while in the bottom pic he has a beard and looks like a rock star?

lol of course I do but still there's no difference, he still looks like his old grungy self. There was no radical difference, I guess that's what I'm trying to say like John Cena's example.
James Cameron looks weird with his medium length long hair too



"Where'd my testosterone go? Shit!"
yeah, the hair style makes the difference, with the short hair he looks good, the long hair he looks horrible
Dude can wear his hair any damn way he wants, I'm not saying shit. :D

It's the lack of a hint of any facial hair or stubble.

You can't have that much hair and be clean shaven. You need to offset it with a beard or some stubble.

Case in point: Dave Grohl


Thats not true. Grohl has teeth like baba booey from the Stern show and needs facial hair. Good looking guys can pull off clean shaven with long hair.


Dude is a beast of strength. Big Show was saying he was probably the strongest person he's ever worked with. It helps that he is highly likely roided to the gills though.

Its hard to imagine any of them not being roided to the gills. With maybe some weird exceptions... like that yes yes yes tiny ginger guy who looks like he's never visited a gym in his life, yet alone roided. <45>

But popular as hell. Just shows you how personality/connecting with the fans is such a huge factor in if they make it.


Didnt care for the guy myself, but whatever.

John Cena I never cared for either. Just made a bad first impression with me when he rolled out to the ring "yo yo what up my g word to your mother" and all that wigger shit. Supremely embarrassing.

Got the same feeling when I saw/heard Vanilla Ice.

Couldnt be more embarrassed and ashamed for the guy.

Plus, he was musically shit on top of that. <45>
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