Joe Rogan admits Weed messes his memory up, so he counters it with Alpha Brain


Mar 13, 2017
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I was listening to one of his podcasts and he was telling the guest you dont always want to be high, he said smoking weed messes you up and can make you less productive if you do it too often, he said his short term memory loss is a real problem, but he said to counter it he uses nootropics, basically his alpha brain supp.

I don't think that Alpha Brain is helping him, Ive been listening to his podcast and he screws up a lot of fighters names, and forgets what he red the same day. He works out daily, eats clean, takes lots of supplements and smokes weed daily

Wasnt he saying years ago that weed prevents memory loss and actually helps your brain, now he is saying it screws him up so he has to go off once and a while and take nootropics to counter the memory issue

Ill try and find the clip it was with some young political youtube host or something.

stamped it
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Dude is addicted to drugs to weed and juice (TRT, Tren). getting high everyday. Yeah wow!!
Once in human history memory loss.
He's fucking 50, dude. You will also experience significant memory loss once you get older.
Rogan remembering where he put his car keys
Does it also make him cry when women win fights?
thinly vailed weed hate thread...No shit you cant remember as much. I do study high though sometimes and it keeps me from losing focus every 10 minutes. I will usually counter this with a red bull though so Im sure that helps. Damn the internet and our short attention spans.
Rogan is pretty much the most suggestible person person on the planet. If I was a rep from a brain supplement company, I'd just ask him to name 30 kids he went to junior school with. He would fail miserably because it's not normal for a 50 year old to remember a bunch of people he's not thought about in 40 years. I'd then tell him he's obviously suffering from marijuana related memory loss, and sign him up for a lifetime supply of supplements.
He's fucking 50, dude. You will also experience significant memory loss once you get older.

According to Joe he started smoking weed so he wouldn't get memory loss in his 40s and 50s, he said he is a health nut who takes tons of supplements for years to heal and maintain mental cognition.

Joe has had guests in their 50s and 60s who have better memory than he does scientists and professors who dont smoke weed or take supplements.
Does it also make him cry when women win fights?
Weed can make men become more sensitive and emotional if they smoke it too much, look at Jim Lampley of HBO boxing he cries on everything and he is a weed smoker in his 60s, Joe is becoming more and more like that he is getting very emotional now
Weed can make men become more sensitive and emotional if they smoke it too much, look at Jim Lampley of HBO boxing he cries on everything and he is a weed smoker in his 60s, Joe is becoming more and more like that he is getting very emotional now

Tell me more about the negative side-effects of weed
According to Joe he started smoking weed so he wouldn't get memory loss in his 40s and 50s, he said he is a health nut who takes tons of supplements for years to heal and maintain mental cognition.

Joe has had guests in their 50s and 60s who have better memory than he does scientists and professors who dont smoke weed or take supplements.

They probably had a better memory from the start. They are scientists and professors. Joe Rogan is a comic that does martial arts
Tell me more about the negative side-effects of weed

Weed studies suck

But the sleep angle always fascinated me

They did actually find UK studies that suggested a majority of people who smoke weed at night tend to hold off their sleep cycles, which doesn't do our health any favors. Frequent pot users actually sleep less than non-smokers, which can mean different health consequences

Imagine you work all day sober, wrap up work and smoke some pot at night

Unless you're smoking pot specifically to fall asleep on, you're not going to bed right away. You might even smoke more pot. You're generally entertained.

Having a bunch of fun on the stuff late into the night regularly, tends to reduce REM sleep daily, which could absolutely hurt memory and overall health more than grass itself

Then again you could stay up late playing fucking Monopoly and hurt your sleep cycle, so it's better to just exercise some fucking self discipline
The brain is like a muscle so most people won't be able to compete with professors and scientists, who's entire occupations involve remembering and then recalling information at a professional level.

There are plenty of totally normal types of memory loss that everyone encounters regardless of age, and some of these are most likely made worse by weed. Absent mindedness is one of the biggest ones. We all do things on auto-pilot - for example putting down our keys when we walk through the door. When it comes to recall that memory we're unable because we did it on autopilot, our conscious mind was thinking about supper or saying hello to the kids when that happened.