Joe Martinez is better than Bruce Buffer

I remember a classic thread where a sherbro met Bruce Buffer in a Vegas elevator. He said Buffer was incredibly friendly and nice and was a pleasure to meet. He also mentioned how Buffer pulled out a picture of himself, signed it, and gave it to the guy unsolicited.
bruce is trash. He got the job cause he has his brother's last name.

somebody needs to at least tell bruce to hurry it the fuck up if they insist on keeping him.

they need to bust out the wrap it up box on his ass when he's doing his decade long fighter intros.
Smooth voice, more professional than Bruce Buffer. He doesn’t try to make it about himself, no fist bumping fighters, and wearing tacky suits.
Yep, the fist bumping pisses me off. He aint their friend. Its time for him to go. He's getting hysterical
I never likes bruce buffer. He doesn’t have a signature voice, he’s just yells
People love the absolutely ridiculous Japanese screaming lady style, yet they hate Buffer? Come on now, Buffer is alright, he guy has been around since forever to the point that his whole shtick is part of the UFC.
I remember a classic thread where a sherbro met Bruce Buffer in a Vegas elevator. He said Buffer was incredibly friendly and nice and was a pleasure to meet. He also mentioned how Buffer pulled out a picture of himself, signed it, and gave it to the guy unsolicited.
Is that what really happened between him and Trigg?
bruce is trash. He got the job cause he has his brother's last name.

somebody needs to at least tell bruce to hurry it the fuck up if they insist on keeping him.

they need to bust out the wrap it up box on his ass when he's doing his decade long fighter intros.

God if Dana did that too him live, I would actually like Dana for something.