Social Joe Biden falls down at graduation

Man for being almost 77 years old Trump is in great shape, I won't deny that.

Biden walks and talks like a 80-year-old which is fine because he's 80 years old. His team needs to take more precautions. Like no more PR bicycle rides anymore
Need some dudes around with better reflexes...dude barely made an effort to catch
This is kind of a no-win situation in terms of optics. If he walks around and falls, the uncharitable scream "Clearly incompetent!". If he, say, sat in a wheelchair to reduce the falling over percentage to literal 0, they'd scream "Clearly incompetent!". If he'd use some assisting device like a cane, they'd also scream "Clearly incompetent!". And if he was as young as Obama, they'd criticize his tan suit.

There will always be something. Because the entire battle around optics is designed to distract from the much more important issue of policy and strategic ability, so by design there must always be something no matter how petty.

Probably with your theory is that his brain is just a decrepit as his body
Joe tripping over a kilo Hunter carelessly left lying around
Damn toe clips strike again!

Old fella should have retired a while ago. Sad to see really.

Meh, ok whatever. Slips and falls are certainly common among the elderly and he's certainly elderly. I don't get a vote in your shithole country so my opinion doesn't much matter anyway, right--but FTR I think your country is insane for choosing such elderly candidates in the first place. These two cunts were both too old the first time around. But I digress. I bet you'd be surprised I gave Trump the benefit of the doubt on the ramp thing and the two-handed drinking of water thing, and I've never given him any stick for his hair. Because all that shit is inconsequential. All that matters in this context is whether he is non compos mentis.

But let's see behavior that negatively impacts his presidency, of which Trump supplied examples in abundance. Got anything comparable to when Trump initiated illegal trade sanctions against Canada?

Edit: also for the record I think both Canada and the US have a similar problem: everyone would be better off if their leaders stepped down with an orderly plan of succession but neither will due to massive egos.
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