I didn´t see the fight yet, but I am happy she lost. She is a disgrace to polish sports, and we never had such a big mouth like her. Well, maybe that ex-con Szpilka, but he´s not even gatekeeper anymore.
She should keep her mouth shut and stop pretending to be the bestb trash talker. I don´t know what future holds up for her, maybe she should take a break, maybe move up to BW, or maybe quit MMA.. I dunno. She has enough money to do it. She is the face for Samsung Poland, Reebok Poland, Oshee Drink and so on, so money ain´t the issue. Of course Rose grown up and she is now like a programmed robot and doing great but if mystiq of JJ and her perfect striking is now away, I can see every top 5 woman can beat her.
Anyway - first two things she HAS TO DO, if she wants to go back on the top, is to shut the fuck up, and quit blaming anyone else but herself for failures. It would also be good, to re-find that fire and hunger she had once back then, when she trained in Poland.