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Bisping was funny.
You just said 'that's not true' to something that was entirely true. You are indeed an idiot. Your argument was that Omar was not a devout Muslim. That is what you said. His father and his coworkers disagree.
You denied there was an element of Islam involved in the story. Now you acknowledge there was. The Quran promotes 'homophobia', bigotry, and violence. Why does he need the so called 'white racist community' to teach him these things when he gets those same lessons just from reading the Quran?
Christianity teaches the same fucking things dude, do you not understand.
Why do you think Churches protest gay marriage and Abortin Laws. Because ALL RELIGIONS ARE DEPRIVED FROM THE SAME principles.
Second, stop making arguments up when there was an argument already going on. You jumped into a middle of an argument that was already panned out and we will argue that, not shit you keep trying to change the argument too .
Your understanding of social society is so poor man. You're taking traditional third world Islamic values and trying to compare them to first world modest values.
Go look at the Aftican Christians for Christian Third world values.
Also, Omar parents were not Islanic directly so once again you're generalizing everything as Black and White like you have been when the world doesn't work like that.
Christianity teaches the same fucking things dude, do you not understand.
Why do you think Churches protest gay marriage and Abortin Laws. Because ALL RELIGIONS ARE DEPRIVED FROM THE SAME principles.
Second, stop making arguments up when there was an argument already going on. You jumped into a middle of an argument that was already panned out and we will argue that, not shit you keep trying to change the argument too .
A devout Muslim, are you fucked. You made that up off the spot considering his family was a "Modest Muslim Family" and "All-American Family"
Your understanding of social society is so poor man. You're taking traditional third world Islamic values and trying to compare them to first world modest values.
Also, Omar parents were not Islanic directly so once again you're generalizing everything as Black and White like you have been when the world doesn't work like that.
One major distinction between Christianity and Islam is the fact that Christians have a glorified hippie to aspire to be like, whereas Muslims have a war-lord to seek inspiration from. That makes a world of difference. Muslims believe in Jesus, too, but Muhammad is higher up in the hierarchy of importance in the Islamic faith. What Christianity teaches has no bearing on what Omar Mateen did. All you're saying is that there are other similarly repulsive ideologies out there for people to adopt. Sure, in addition to Islam, you also have Nazism. If this were a Neo-Nazi, I would be talking about how his notions of white supremacy are problematic.
Nope. Not true. All religions are not derived from the same principles. There are thousands of religions out there; to suggest that they're all derived from the same principles is comically stupid. What you should've said is that the Abrahamic religions are derived from the same (very similar would be more accurate) principles. There are actual religions that are inherently better than Islam for the simple fact that they don't promote murder, hegemony, slavery, bigotry, 'homophobia', etc.
I'm not making any arguments up. You denied that Omar Mateen was a devout Muslim, correct? I countered with a quote from his father calling him a 'devout Muslim'. Do I need to quote what you said since you're pretending like it wasn't part of the argument? Here you go:
Here is what one of Omar Mateen's co-workers had to say about his devout Muslim faith: 'Our conversations were biogted and sexist but his religious activities was…he would bring a prayer mat with him and he would pray right in front of me. [...] He would kneel down and chant and kiss objects and put on different…I think he put on a hat while he did that. And he did that for about ten minutes…a couple times during the shift. He was a devout Muslim.' Show a little intellectual honesty for once in your life and acknowledge your obvious error.
Radicalism in the Muslim community isn't limited to the third world. There are many Western Muslims that adhere to those same values; Omar Mateen was one of them. I've given you multiple examples of Western middle class people that have either supported or actively participated in Muslim terrorism. Why did you ignore them? There was a Pew report released not too long ago that pretty much shatters the myth that radical Islam is just a third world phenomenon. The study showed that while Western Muslims are ordinarily more peace-oriented than their counterparts in Asia/ME and Africa, they are still generally more retrograde in their thinking than the non-Muslim population.
You're babbling. If you actually did any research about the Omar Mateen story -- and I'm starting to question that -- it must have been a cursory Google search, because you sound absolutely clueless. Let's take the fact that his father was a Taliban sympathizer (that's the vicious, hegemonic, islamofascist terrorist group, remember?) out of the equation for a second: Did you ever consider that Omar Mateen, like any other grown adult could, might've deviated from those so called modest values? What does 'not Islamic directly' even mean? Are you suggesting his family members were Muslim in name only? Are you denying his father told ABC that he was a devout Muslim? Are you denying that his father expressed support for the Taliban and their behavior in Afghanistan? Elaborate on this ambiguous response.
Yes you are making arguments and you have been this entire time. You don't just into an argment halfway through and start making arguments up like you have.
Also, I can multiple and multiple points of Christian Terrorism within the United States.
Here are some examples.
No, I haven't. I quoted you directly arguing that Mateen wasn't a devout Muslim. You've since abandoned that argument altogether. I don't even think you know what you're arguing at this point.
No one said Christian-motivated terrorism in America doesn't exist, you moron. I said that Christian attacks generally don't result in the deathtoll that we see in Muslim attacks. That is fact.
I'll knock down the rest of your nonsense in just a second.
Once again you are wrong.
Prior to the al-Qaeda attacks of 9/11, the Oklahoma City bombing McVeigh orchestrated was the most deadly terrorist attack in U.S. history: 168 people were killed and more than 600 were injured. When McVeigh used a rented truck filled with explosives to blow up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, his goal was to kill as many people as possible. McVeigh was motivated by an extreme hatred for the U.S. government and saw the attack as revenge for the Ruby Ridge incident of 1992 and the Waco Siege in 1993. He had white supremacist leanings as well (when he was in the U.S. Army, McVeigh was reprimanded for wearing a “white power” T-shirt he had bought at a KKK demonstration). McVeigh was executed on June 11, 2001. He should have served life without parole instead, as a living reminder of the type of viciousness the extreme right is capable of. A RADICAL CHRISTIAN TERROISM ACT.
Once again you are caught in a lie, also you are still failing to acknowledge how you are constantly trying to twist the narrative. I NEVER DENIED OMAR WAS A DEVOUT MUSLIM WITHIN THE CONTEXT YOU ARE TYPING.
Also here is ANOTHER RADICAL WHITE CHRISTIAN who is and was brain washed by the media against the Islamic doctrine.
McVeigh was not a Christian terrorist, moron. He was motivated by right wing, anti-government ideology. It was a response for Ruby Ridge. McVeigh was raised Christian, but identified as an atheist. And I already mentioned that attack earlier. That was an anomaly.
In May 1988, at the age of 20, McVeigh graduated from the U.S. Army Infantry School at Fort Benning, Georgia.[16] While in the military, McVeigh used much of his spare time to read about firearms, sniper tactics, and explosives.[17] McVeigh was reprimanded by the military for purchasing a "White Power" T-shirt at a Ku Klux Klan protest against black servicemen who wore "Black Power" T-shirts around the army base.[18]
Oh yah?
Speaking of his experience in Kuwait in an interview before his execution, documented in McVeigh's authorized biography American Terrorist: Timothy McVeigh & the Tragedy at Oklahoma City, celebrated. he stated he decapitated an Iraqi soldier with cannon fire on his first day in the war and He said he later was shocked to be ordered to execute surrendering prisoners and to see carnage on the road leaving Kuwait City after U.S. troops routed the Iraqi army.
McVeigh claimed to have been a target of bullying at school, and he took refuge in a fantasy world where he imagined retaliating against the bullies.[9] At the end of his life, he stated his belief that the United States government is the ultimate bully.
Once again, another victim of bullying. You have no argument and you continue to create them.
But once again, it goes deeper than his Christian VALUES, I am pointing AN EASILY SEEN CORRELATION BETWEEN THE TWO.
They both had severe psycolohical problems that stemmed from THEIR CHILDHOOD and their ideologies are ONLY THE GATEWAY.