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Jews may not be the biblical Israelites.

LOL, but seriously, a friend told me I had to check it out, that it was really well researched. And although the title didn't make any sense, it turns out there were the actual documents that back up the title. So I started a thread and sure enough a mod moved it here.

How deep the rabbit hole goes I guess.

Most of that was in the 30's before the Nazis started gassing and burning Jews. Also, most of it was on part of the Stern Gang and the Irgun, two legit batfuck insane groups of lunatics.
The Khazar claim, while anthropologically interesting, has failed to stand up to genetic testing. Ashkenazi jews share about 50% genetic markers with syriac groups (the same group that Sephardic and Mizrahi jews relate to), and about 50% with europeans.

Reposting the following:

There has been minimal genetic evidence for this claim (the Khazar hypothesis), and most studies on the subject have arrived at the opposite conclusion. There are only a handful of actual scholars who believe this, and the overwhelming majority of genetic evidence supports the claim that Ashkenazi Jews are descendents of about 400 families of Caucasian and Middle Eastern descent, with the middle eastern side being from the Syriac genetic group, something in common with other Jews. The Caucasian side is mostly matrilineal.


You'll note that in the discussion section, there is only one study that has suggested that Khazars are a meaningful source of genetic material for ashkenazi jews, and this particular one found that "there is less evidence for assimilation in Eastern Europe, and almost none for a source in the North Caucasus/Chuvashia, as would be predicted by the Khazar hypothesis."

"contemporary Jews, including Ashkenazi Jews, Sephardic Jews, North African Jews and Middle Eastern Jews2, retain a genetic imprint of their Near Eastern ancestry, but have received a substantial contribution, to a variable extent, from their neighboring populations such as Europeans, Near Easterners, and North Africans."

As for many modern israelis being russians with minimal jewish heritage, that's mostly because the substantial jewish communities in russia were forcibly assimilated during the USSR, so you wound up with a lot of people with minimal jewish heritage who qualified under the one grandparent rule.


Its hardly a 50/50 split. I was hoping it was for the population at large but @Rod1 showed me (much to his credit) in another thread

Rod1 said:
2.- Ashkenazis are half european and descend from merchants.

David Goldstein, now of Duke University, reported that unlike male Ashkenazi lineages, the female lineages in Ashkenazi Jewish communities "did not seem to be Middle Eastern", and that each community had its own genetic pattern and even that "in some cases the mitochondrial DNA was closely related to that of the host community." In his view this suggested "that Jewish men had arrived from the Middle East, taken wives from the host population and converted them to Judaism, after which there was no further intermarriage with non-Jews."[102]

Later a further study claimed that Ashkenazi matrilineal heritage was middle eastern

In 2006, a study by Behar et al.,[129] based on what was at that time high-resolution analysis of haplogroup K(mtDNA), suggested that about 40% of the current Ashkenazi population is descended matrilineally from just four women, or "founder lineages", that were "likely from aHebrew/Levantine mtDNA pool" originating in the Middle East in the 1st and 2nd centuries CE.

But it was latter disproved

In 2013, however, a study of Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA by a team led by Martin B. Richards of the University of Huddersfield in England reached different conclusions, again corroborating the pre-2006 origin hypothesis. Testing was performed on the full 16,600 DNA units composing mitochondrial DNA (the 2006 Behar study had only tested 1,000 units) in all their subjects, and the study found that the four main female Ashkenazi founders had descent lines that were established in Europe 10,000 to 20,000 years in the past[130] while most of the remaining minor founders also have a deep European ancestry

So the Ashkenazi "eves" were full blooded european dating back to the paleolithic, and the Ashkenazi "adams" are between 50-80% middle eastern so that makes Ashkenazis on average between 25% to 33% middle eastern, for all intents and purposes Ashkenazis are far more european than hebrew.

In fact 25% to 33% is the average european admixture of african americans, so Ashkenazis are as much genetically jewish as black americans are genetically european. The brownest kind of Mexicans have more european ancestry than ashkenazis have middle eastern ancestry.

3.- Palestinians descend from ancient hebrews

One DNA study by Nebel found genetic evidence in support of historical records that "part, or perhaps the majority" of Muslim Palestinians descend from "local inhabitants, mainly Christians and Jews, who had converted after the Islamic conquest in the seventh century AD".[110] They also found substantial genetic overlap between Muslim Palestinians and Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, though with some significant differences that might be explainable by the geographical isolation of the Jews and by immigration of Arab tribes in the first millennium.[110]


Again, does it really surprises you? arabs, mizrahis, palestinians, they all look alike. The only ones that dont look alike are Ashkenazis and the Beta Israelis.

Or maybe you believe into western iconography and think Jesus was a pale guy with blue eyes.

Fair enough, learned something today.


Although its likely that depending on the region as your link demonstrates (russian jews), the distribution may be different. So different studies may get different results.

From my research the Russian Jews admixtures with other Europeans were lower than say those in Poland or the Baltic area. I know for instance that the initial western Ashkenazi wave over to the Americas (from western Europe) that those Jews were more 'assimilated' and closer in appearance to the American bretheren compared to when the Eastern European Jews came over later in the century.
Go on...

I'm generally interested
I dont think all black are the descendants of the Hebrew Israelites but some are (kind of impossible to know who really)
- 400 years of bondage (slavery in Egypt/America)

- If Egypt is in Africa why would they get workers from Isreal instead of the continent they are already on? Especially when its documented that Egyptians used African workers or slaves.

-In fact the biblical record of the Egyptian exodus is one of the only "records" of non-African slaves in Egypt.
Good info. I've found the same things in my research. Also, black Americans fit many of the curses of the bible that would befall those jews who wouldn't obey god.

If the occurrences were "natural" I would agree. But I think the injustice black folks have faced historically have been intentional and agenda driven.