Jan only won because of size

Izzy weighed in at 200lbs. Jan was like 220 lbs on fight night. Fighter's cut weight for a reason.

Yeah, and Israel only wins his fights because of range advantage. Fighting has nothing to do with skills, studying your oponent and strategy. Crazy right?
But Izzy is taller with longer reach.
No he got out struck honestly. And this fight shows that Jones would have murked Izzy
For the majority of the fight, Adesanya is the one who had the size (reach) advantage, since most of the fight was on the feet. Despite this disadvantage for Jan, he outstruck Adesanya. Jan's size was irrelevant regarding those takedowns too, Adesanya just totally failed to see them coming.
TS you mean like every fight Adesanya has won at 185? He finally fought a guy he wasn’t half foot taller than and didn’t have a 6” reach advantage and suddenly his striking looks mediocre and his once unstoppable takedown defense was non existent. You were probably singing Adesanya’s praises as he fought 5’10 fighters who moved up from 170. He made his career being the biggest fighter at 185.
Weight classes were invented by manlets, you think back in the Roman days gladiators weighed in the night before the fight? If it was up to me Id have one open weight class, that way guys like Conor can stick to being plumbers
If it was up to you then combat sports wouldn’t exist.....
Blachowicz was up 2-1, even before his size/clinch/grappling dominated the last 2 rounds. Adesanya probably still has the edge P4P, but people are still underrating Blachowicz, and it's insane. He's one of the most complete and best P4P fighters in MMA.
Izzy weighed in at 200lbs. Jan was like 220 lbs on fight night. Fighter's cut weight for a reason.
His intelligence had more to do with it. The size was a given. We all knew before hand that he'd be bigger. Not everyone expected him to perform better though.
jan only won because izzy fought like a cocky fool. I can't say every but most of the time izzy got hit was because he was doing something stupid like having his hands down or chin out. The takedown at end of the fight happened solely because izzy was acting stupid and jan took advantage of it with a td.
Izzy weighed in at 200lbs. Jan was like 220 lbs on fight night. Fighter's cut weight for a reason.

If it was size he would have used it from the start like taking him down and using wrestling type moves like Coleman but Jan striking was good and he did not decide to do a take down until the 4th and 5th round. Jan looked a little tired after the 4th from the first take down. But did better in the 5th from the take down so both were tired. The stats show the results. I think they will change your mind.
smaller cage was a factor.

jan was gassed.

jan needed the takedowns.

i seen the numbers, jan had better numbers. but it sure looked like he was losing the striking contest.

i honestly don't think the numbers represent how the fight was going
Weight classes were invented by manlets, you think back in the Roman days gladiators weighed in the night before the fight? If it was up to me Id have one open weight class, that way guys like Conor can stick to being plumbers


It's a physical advantage not unlike the massive reach and height advantage Izzy had over Costa. Jan stood in front of Izzy for most of the fight and Izzy couldn't hurt him or put sig damage on him. He wanted to go up knowing he would have to deal with whatever obstacles he'd encounter. It was a given that Jan would be stronger but Izzy surely had his own advantages with his body style and kickboxing experience.

It turned out his speed, length, and technique were not enough to conquer the thicker, stronger guy. It was close though. I had it 2-2 before Jan stole the fight with the TD and GNP in the last half of the 5th.
izzy is still unquestionably the man to beat at 185. give him props for moving up and trying to become a double, and some holes in his game, even on the feet were exposed last night

jans has hit his absolute peak, a bit later in his career, but he has refined his skill set to become a very legitimate and dangerous champion. would love to see him vs rakic or glover soon.

this doesnt have to turn into an Izzy sucks or Izzy is finished thread lol....he is still a champ for a reason. both of them are very good champions.
If Izzy still had his gyno he’d still be undefeated

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