James Harrison would be UFC Heavyweight Champ with 6 months of training

really depends how many concussions he had. was his position prone to big hits? thats the bare bones
Some people are just incapable of having an honest and valid conversation, without allowing their emotions and prejudices to take over.

Also, James Harrison would throw stipe through the mat.
So strength makes a ufc champion now?
We must see, my son

Soon a linebacker will quit the NFL and come to MMA to get that McGregor money

My son, fucking please. Greg Hardy isn't a LB, so obviously he doesn't count, ha.

Team trolling doesn't happen often, but I s'pose today is the day for it.
Holy shit
This must continue I'm actually amazed


Because physics?

from sher-genius's redefining how physics work

Give him the instructions on how to transfer his weight and he'd be a ko artist.

from sher-genius's reconceptualizing how physics work

athleticism is also the ability to learn new skills

from sher-genius's redefining words

No doubt you are amazed...what with your rudimentary grasp of the physical sciences

Holy shit
<{cruzshake}> myn goodness trees if you want to say all three points are interested it's your job to prove that

You make a blanket post about how the physics of sports works and then you throw in your own personal definition of athleticism....you're not writing enough to prove your point...it might make sense in your head but you aren't using the words to write it here...it's autistic

What I'm gleaning from your OP , albeit without you clearly stating it is"because of the physics of sports, a top athlete would become a ko machine if trained because he knows how to use the weight/energy/motion that a d level mma athlete doesn't have in the first place.....tell me I'm wrong

Regardless, your definition of an athlete "being a person who among other thing can pickup things easier because he is athletic" is redundant, inaccurate and a generalization that you have to make a leap to connect to the only two actual points you wrote out to sound related....you're lazy as when trying to make a point

I hope you don't apply this shift less kind of efforts to life