

Oct 22, 2004
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I feel that my jabs are ok, but I find jabbing to be tiring; which makes me wonder if I am doing it right. I can throw bombs all day long, and not get tired, but jabs really wear me out. WTF??

Any help would be greatly appreciated..
use jabs to set up your bombs, is the main answer your going to get here. You got to think, why am i using my jab? Dont just throw it out for no reason.
Work your jabs on a heavy bag. 1 min of just jabs.
If that tires you out, it might not be technique; you just need more work on them.
Should I circle the bag while I jab?

Or perhaps they are just using muscles I'm not use to using?
meng_mao said:
Work your jabs on a heavy bag. 1 min of just jabs.
If that tires you out, it might not be technique; you just need more work on them.

ah, you beat me to it
Heavybag rounds 101 sticky at the top of the page.

Works well for me.
Good suggestion, Chad. I find that my problem is that when using lots of jabs, after a while my sholders start to kill.
Yeah sounds like you just need to do a lot more of them til your shoulders are used to them.
I can't seem to get my shoulders conditioned I guess cause they always burn after about 3 minutes.
Try working them more but keep in mind that it still could be technique. You'll find that executing a good punch takes less energy than heaving.
Yeah, I just need the conditioning. Eventually I hope to get a heavy bag for my house so I can train even when I can't make it to the gym.
when you jab, your shoulder should be down, not up.
this will help you get less tired.

Also your probably trying so hard to make it fast that your using a lot of muscle.

slow down, exaggerate the movement, start from a circular motion, and start speeding it up,
making it tight little by little.

You dont want to fling it out with enough force to hit something a mile away when your just
trying to hit something a few feet away.
something I frogot to ask. How do you throw your jabs twoblink? Do you throw them just to make the guy annoyed and think about it? Do you throw them with footwork and a quick jarring motion as to make the opponent see stars? Do you throw them to keep the guy away? I can try to help you, but I need to know what kind of jab you want to get better at.
I think he needs to work on the core text book jab before he starts adding various other jabs
a textbook jab is what you make it. Some people can't use the flickering jab effectivley. All different people use different kinds of jabs. There is no, all and all, one single jab.
ok if what you say is true, then where does one start?
In boxing there is a core that you learn, and THEN make it your own. Or look at other
methods of jabbing.
Go to: http://www.boxing4free.com

Have a look at http://www.boxing4free.com/thejab.html. They have 3 different videos of 3 different jab types. Well worth a look...

The other tips I've learned is that your jab should not leave you off balance - it needs to be thrown fast with a quick recovery. You should "shrug" the jab from your shoulder and you should not restrict yourself to just standing in one spot - this is to 1-dimensional - rather, move around the bag and throw it as you are moving, from L to R, from R to L and moving to & from the bag as it swings.

I have found that when I am practicing the jab I am often much too tense in the shoulders & I have to make myself relax my stance & breathe out when I throw the jab or I get too cramped.
Instead of just smashing the bag without a plan - put a basic routine together.

I took KK'h "heavy bag" routine above in the stickies & used it as a basis for my own beginner routine. 3mins work, 30s rest & repeat, starting light & getting gradually heavier. I start with at least 1 min of jabs, then 1 min jab + cross, then 1 min jab+cross+hook.

Then I rest & do another 3 min of someting else - although I later may come back & re-do some of the previous sets at full-power.

As my "striking" interest is MT, I also include some sets with kicks, and I finish with a few "freestyle" sets where just try to throw whatever in.

You find the previous drills make your "freestyle" sets technically better (or at least, they FEEL that way to me...)
VampireMonk said:
ok if what you say is true, then where does one start?
In boxing there is a core that you learn, and THEN make it your own. Or look at other
methods of jabbing.

The thing I wanted to ask him was what kind of jab does he use? If it's a stiff, knock out jab, there is a different way to get better than if he wanted to use a light, pawing setup jab.