It's Saturday!!!

How's your cardio? Do you train with or without a mouthpiece?
anthony27 said:
How's your cardio? Do you train with or without a mouthpiece?

I've been training with a mouthpiece and it's OK. the cardio i think it's good. the only thing bothering me it's my sinusitis. Sometimes with all that shit coming down my nose i feel I'm gonna puke.
Well just puke all over the fucker and then tap him out. j/k. What do you take some sinus medication or something? That's werid, they got that stuff that boxers squirt up their nose right before they go in the ring maybe that'll work or maybe that's what's making you sick. I did that shit once and felt like puking too.

Just don't run out there and pull guard. I saw it at the last show i went to and it was brutal. The BJJ guy pulled guard against a striker who was also a wrestler. Before the fight i had the BJJ guy picked to win and then 5 seconds into the fight he pulls guard and before one punch is even thrown I turn to my girl and say oh no this bjj guy doesn't stand a chance. 30 seconds later the fight was over in brutal GnP style. Other than that. Since you're the one with the ground experience he's probably twice as nervous as you.

Kick his ass man.
PutDaCream said:
Everybody gets nervous when they get laid for the first time, and nobody is going to punch them in the nose (i know, there are those sadists...).

Hooo boy.

Was a different story for me my friend. I wish I was kidding too.
Keep your hands up, becareful to not run into anything, do not panick when you get hit, never close your eyes or turn away from the guy. If you get hit with a strike you want to see it, but just don't get hit. Stay positive. Take him to the ground and do your thing, goodluck!
Good luck, man. I saw on the link that the flag of my country: Romania. Do you have any idea who is going to be that fighter that fights in the show?
Best of luck. You have prepared enough for this fight. You have done everything you needed to do to get in there. Just do it. Congrats on just entering the fight. You are halfway there by entering, 25 % by showing up, let the other 25% bring you home with the victory!
What rules are there? And what kind of protective gear?

EDIT: Oh, and good luck!
PutDaCream said:
i'll try to put some pictures and video of me geting ass kicked...

Ok i know you are joking, but even so, that is terrible to say. DO NOT have that attitude in any way, shape, or form. Self talk effects you pschologically no matter what. Just tell yourself over and over the exact opposite. Depending on how much time you have before your fight, do something to take your mind off of it. I like to watch Jim Carrey movies and stuff like that to make me laugh and relax. Once i get there with in a few hours, i just rehearse in my head and visualize what i will do in each situation over and over. Focus is very important.

Remember, as corny as it sounds, even Rocky said it. Fear is a fighters best friend. It keeps you sharp and awake. Just dont let it take you over. You will be fine. Mad props to you for doing this and good luck


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