It's 2006. Imagine I come on here and tell you...


Gold Belt
Oct 13, 2012
Reaction score
Chael Sonnen(you know that guy who fought Sobral in the UFC, one of Lindland's guys) would defeat Shogun in the first round, and Wanderlei Silva would be so scared of him he wouldn't even show up for the fight.

What would your reaction be?

One more for the bad guy.
Lol have you seen Chael's record? The dude can't hang in the UFC, and now you are telling me he can beat Shogun? Dude Shogun is one of the best LHW's GOAT, Shogun KO's him 1st round!!!
Chael Sonnen(you know that guy who fought Sobral in the UFC, one of Lindland's guys) would defeat Shogun in the first round, and Wanderlei Silva would be so scared of him he wouldn't even show up for the fight.

What would your reaction be?

Dude did you get dubs like 2 seconds after you made this thread?
It would be a lot harder to believe that he would fight for the MW title twice and then fight for the LHW title!
Even harder to believe that he failed to win the MW title by 2 minutes and then failed to win the LHW title by 27 seconds (Jones toe was broken and the fight would possibly be ruled a TKO stoppage if the round ended)
I would have been all... No shit Sherlock.

Team Darkside for ever.
Sonnen has been the GOAT for a long time, I would say " I told u so". Sonnen is the king of MMA,
It would be a lot harder to believe that he would fight for the MW title twice and then fight for the LHW title!
Even harder to believe that he failed to win the MW title by 2 minutes and then failed to win the LHW title by 27 seconds (Jones toe was broken and the fight would possibly be ruled a TKO stoppage if the round ended)

Imagine that, Chael winning the LHW title.
What can't you do with single yellows ?


I got two separate 1 point infractions in the war room. Added up to 2, which is apparently a single yellow. Here I am.

I got two separate 1 point infractions in the war room. Added up to 2, which is apparently a single yellow. Here I am.

Lol that it ? Should've just got a warning or something then :icon_lol:
I would have been fascinated to hear that in the future he'd get convicted for financial fraud during one of the biggest economic crashes, try to become an elected politician, defend himself for drug-cheating allegations by confessing that he only has one testicle...