Italy: Elections on Sunday. Populist Victory?

1- I think first round of votes can really end up into nothig done, two outcomes most expected right now are a draw or a slight center-right win

2- technically Berlusconi will not be premier, the two possible options from the main two right parties are
Tajani (Forza Italia)
Salvini (Lega Nord)

Btw there's a party called Movimento 5 Stelle wich right now is possibly the one that will win more votes, but does'nt align itself with either left or right, to play the "we are not old style politic party" gimmick

Centre-right is supposed to get more votes than them, with 4 parties combined votes

Situation essentially looks like

1- Corrupted rightwing populism

2- Trendy but useless hipsters

3- Babbling lefties and cucks

4- A left party nobody care
I hear 5 Stelle is headed by a former comedian and they aren't taken real seriously. Is that true?
Another case of people learning too late, getting mad after these economic migrants are inside, when it's impossible to deport them. So you get your populist government that will stop anymore coming in - this would of happened ANYWAY once they could take no more. Now what? Globalists laughing, watching Italy just provide them welfare for life and increase in numbers, can't do anything about it but complain.

Not letting them in was the only answer, impossible to deport them because of human rights laws. Poland and Hungary knows this trick.
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So, is joining Hungary and Poland on Sunday and going populist? What's the chance of Ital making moves to break off from the EU? Since so much of this EU push back is due to migrant related issues could this be why Merkel has finally admitted to No Go Zones in Germany and is "talking tough" about government dealing with it on the off chance German society stops wanting to be nice?

I'm hoping that the fascists actually break through the 3% mark. I've been talking to an old Italian guy over there who works with Casa Pound, and even if they don't win but a few seats, the whole discourse around fascism has really changed in Italy. It will be interesting to see where it goes.
At least the current government will do down in flames..
The damage they have caused to Europe is unimaginable . Basically having years of taxi service to Italy..
Another case of people learning too late, getting mad after these economic migrants are inside, when it's impossible to deport them. So you get your populist government that will stop anymore coming in - this would of happened ANYWAY once they could take no more. Now what? Globalists laughing, watching Italy just provide them welfare for life and increase in numbers, can't do anything about it but complain.

Not letting them in was the only answer, impossible to deport them because of human rights laws. Poland and Hungary knows this trick.
Very true. Once they get citizenship, you've effectively lost your country.
Another case of people learning too late, getting mad after these economic migrants are inside, when it's impossible to deport them. So you get your populist government that will stop anymore coming in - this would of happened ANYWAY once they could take no more. Now what? Globalists laughing, watching Italy just provide them welfare for life and increase in numbers, can't do anything about it but complain.

Not letting them in was the only answer, impossible to deport them because of human rights laws. Poland and Hungary knows this trick.

To be fair immigration for us is not "new", the Merkel's recent crap only made it worse, but Italy ever been a point of arrival.
Actual good thing is that now most don't stay and try to move to Merkeland or norther (or France/UK)
But is balanced by worse rules: EU pushing for invasion, ONG free to do the fuck they want, the west erasing the concept of "illegal immigrant" and so on

We got plenty of "right" governments that won elections in the past with the promise of fight illegal immigration, most with more scandal than results

For what i remember even as kid Italy never been pro-immigration, we just had periods where the right looked way more corrupted than the left making them a less desiderable option

Also depend a lot on the area, we got traditionally left or right regions that shaped theyr stance on the party one.
Now that immigration started to appear ALSO in areas were was'nt a problem you got "new" anti-immigration peoples... essentially immigration was'nt a problem as long was limited to somebody else home

One of the few good things Berlusconi did in his life was an "alliance" with Putin and Gaddafi, with the latter one deal was about don't make illegals boats sail from Libya

That deal gone when France+Barack"Nobel4Peace"Obama destroyed Libya causing this mess (Obama pushed things on Sirya too, but this is another story)
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I hear 5 Stelle is headed by a former comedian and they aren't taken real seriously. Is that true?

Grillo (the comedian) was the mind that started it, but at same time he did'nt wanted to become a politician and LEAD it

Actually italians took them seriously, THEY (the party) failed to take advantage of it
We hated ALL our old parties (who in large part we consider corrupted, incompetent or both) so a new option was welcome

First time they was still new and did'nt won but they got votes to be in theory relevant doing smart political choices (alliances) but they did'nt to be ideological hipsters

This time they will likely end up the most voted party and still lose, beacuse they will run alone

Also the young guy they got as leader seem a bit the classic farts-powered clown that will have been in Forza Italia if ran 10 years ago, but picked the current trendy party
Seem a lot the classic slimy political climber, kinda different from the rest of the party

ps: btw the story of the party is kinda fun, it started with the movie V for Vendetta LOL
Notice the red V is the same



Also in italy Fuck You is Vaffanculo, so essentially the first "V day" events they organized before become an actual party were fuck you to politic world

The idea was catchy and smart, they did'nt got the legs to run with it.
Wich is kinda a shame, because they could have been an example for Italy or even internationally to break the right-left crapgame... they got some left (vs corruption, pro mid-low class) or right (vs immigration, EU skeptical) without have to stick to the 2 bullshit main ideologies the political world got us used to

This round risk to be the same of they first fail, good response from peoples, fail to convert it into actual power... and they will brag about be a "strong" opposition everybody must listen(we're BIG now!), when if less douche they could have been the government itself lol

Is like brag about have kissed (+touched a boob!) a girl who was actually very willing to give you the 3 holes while chained to a medieval bed

Watch them do it lol
Grillo (the comedian) was the mind that started it, but at same time he did'nt wanted to become a politician and LEAD it

Actually italians took them seriously, THEY (the party) failed to take advantage of it
We hated ALL our old parties (who in large part we consider corrupted, incompetent or both) so a new option was welcome

First time they was still new and did'nt won but they got votes to be in theory relevant doing smart political choices (alliances) but they did'nt to be ideological hipsters

This time they will likely end up the most voted party and still lose, beacuse they will run alone

Also the young guy they got as leader seem a bit the classic farts-powered clown that will have been in Forza Italia if ran 10 years ago, but picked the current trendy party
Seem a lot the classic slimy political climber, kinda different from the rest of the party

ps: btw the story of the party is kinda fun, it started with the movie V for Vendetta LOL
Notice the red V is the same



Also in italy Fuck You is Vaffanculo, so essentially the first "V day" events they organized before become an actual party were fuck you to politic world

The idea was catchy and smart, they did'nt got the legs to run with it.
Wich is kinda a shame, because they could have been an example for Italy or even internationally to break the right-left crapgame... they got some left (vs corruption, pro mid-low class) or right (vs immigration, EU skeptical) without have to stick to the 2 bullshit main ideologies the political world got us used to

This round risk to be the same of they first fail, good response from peoples, fail to convert it into actual power... and they will brag about be a "strong" opposition everybody must listen(we're BIG now!), when if less douche they could have been the government itself lol

Is like brag about have kissed (+touched a boob!) a girl who was actually very willing to give you the 3 holes while chained to a medieval bed

Watch them do it lol
Thanks for the info. What part of Italy you from? My family is from Valenza, Provincia di Alessandria.
As now have been reported organization problems (is Italy lol) but the partecipation to votes seem decent/good(?) so far

The first risk (not enough votes) seem dodged
I think populism is best understood, though, as appealing to the common man's interests: not stoking, maximizing, and exploiting his fear and ignorance, especially toward policies that are in a large part against his interests.

But GOPopulism is best understood as the billionaire class throwing breadcrumbs in the form of small tax cuts to the working and middle classes.
First projections seem to say what i "predicted"


-Right-wing alliance having the majority of votes
-Movimento 5 Stelle second because ran alone, but most voted of all as single party
-Left-wing alliance ending up third by decent margin
-Nobody cared about the left party nobody care about

Kinda hilarious:
Di Battista (Movimento5S) «Adesso tutti dovranno parlare con noi!»
«Now everybody will have to talk with us!»
This round risk to be the same of they first fail, good response from peoples, fail to convert it into actual power... and they will brag about be a "strong" opposition everybody must listen(we're BIG now!), when if less douche they could have been the government itself lol

Is like brag about have kissed (+touched a boob!) a girl who was actually very willing to give you the 3 holes while chained to a medieval bed

Watch them do it lol

ps: on side note some femen activist tried to protest against berlusconi flashing tits at him


Wich is kinda like try to fight Dracula throwing blood at him.

Got to say femen activist (at least the flashing tits ones) seem all 7/10 minimum, so i can't hate on whatever cause they're flashing tits for. Brave
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I guess if you want a human trafficker and tax cheat calling the shots in your country, you can have him. Just don't cry when the world shuffles the Italy card back down below the Greece card where it belongs.
I guess if you want a human trafficker and tax cheat calling the shots in your country, you can have him. Just don't cry when the world shuffles the Italy card back down below the Greece card where it belongs.

Tell me more about who i want, i don't think i even said who i was supporting in that race lol

And if you speak about not me, but voters as a whole, as now (if projections end up confirmed) berlusconi's is 3rd as single party and not the most voted party of the right-wing coalition
Forward Italy has to be the most ironic party name in the world.

Smh at people repeatedly cutting off their noses to spite their faces and doubling down into neoliberal policies.
The people of southern Italy are not cucks and couldn't care less about being PC or called racists or whatever. If their vote counts, its going to be very interesting.
Ironic..... as they were literally cucked by the Moors.
Tell me more about who i want, i don't think i even said who i was supporting in that race lol

And if you speak about not me, but voters as a whole, as now (if projections end up confirmed) berlusconi's is 3rd as single party and not the most voted party of the right-wing coalition
I didn't mean "you" lol. Sorry. It's unbelievable that he is even allowed back into politics and is a leading voice.
What's unbelievable is that Five Star is getting any traction.

People seriously think that dim-witted part-time commoners are competent to make complex and massively important policy decisions? That all they don't know is simply unimportant detail?

This truly is the age of anti-intellectualism and Dunning-Krugeresque hubris.
What's unbelievable is that Five Star is getting any traction.

People seriously think that dim-witted part-time commoners are competent to make complex and massively important policy decisions? That all they don't know is simply unimportant detail?

This truly is the age of anti-intellectualism and Dunning-Krugeresque hubris.

Lol, you think Berlusconi is competent to make complex and massively important policy decisions?

The truth is that there are plenty of highly intelligent and competent people amongst "commoners", and that many politicians who have been in power, are at best of average intelligence.