It should be illegal to be a stay at home mother

The most important responsibility a mother has is to her children and family. It's not to her career or the feminist cause.

Mothers should have the right to decide what's best for her family.
End thread.
Stupid, but women like this show you exactly why (real) feminists are necessary.

Now you've got a thread full of people attacking all feminists because one dumbass couldn't stop the stupid from pouring out of her face hole.

Another obstacle for feminism. It will prevail. <20>

I think there is a very strong authoritarian streak in mainstream feminism that has it's roots in second wave feminism. That's why I quoted SImone de Beauvoir of all people articulating the same ideas as this lady. You're objectively wrong that its only one dumbass who thinks like this.

True feminism, or perhaps I should say good feminism, has already prevailed. All these people going on about the patriarchy and telling women how to live aren't feminists in any reasonable sense. They seem to detest most women, and are only interested in protecting or furthering the interests of leftist women. And that is the broad ones who see beyond upper middle class, white, leftist women.
Now I understand why you can post all day.
Yep. Like every hour I take a few minutes and type. I've never counted, but I'm sure most weekdays I post at least twenty-five comments. Sadly, this isn't even the only forum I frequent.

All told, it's good for me to take the time to frame a thought that isn't something like "Stop!", "No!", "Here's your milk!", "Eat your sandwich!" The winter is very much the worst. Once summer comes the kids can run and get muddy outside, and it is much less nerve-wracking.
"Le Marquand"

I'd never trust anyone with a definite article in their surname, especially not a French one.

Yep. Like every hour I take a few minutes and type. I've never counted, but I'm sure most weekdays I post at least twenty-five comments. Sadly, this isn't even the only forum I frequent.

All told, it's good for me to take the time to frame a thought that isn't something like "Stop!", "No!", "Here's your milk!", "Eat your sandwich!" The winter is very much the worst. Once summer comes the kids can run and get muddy outside, and it is much less nerve-wracking.

I wish I was a stay at home mother.
She's not a mother, is she?
I think there is a very strong authoritarian streak in mainstream feminism that has it's roots in second wave feminism. That's why I quoted SImone de Beauvoir of all people articulating the same ideas as this lady. You're objectively wrong that its only one dumbass who thinks like this.

True feminism, or perhaps I should say good feminism, has already prevailed. All these people going on about the patriarchy and telling women how to live aren't feminists in any reasonable sense. They seem to detest most women, and are only interested in protecting or furthering the interests of leftist women. And that is the broad ones who see beyond upper middle class, white, leftist women.

oh come on, you're taking a totally obscure example and trying to pass it off as representative to the entire group of feminists as a whole. Do you think most feminists think being a stay at home mom should be illegal? I don't.

I would say you seem to have an issues with all feminists,but you already confirmed it. I don't really wish to have this argument with anyone, and I'll just agree to disagree on the next point.
while ridiculous i get where she's coming from

surely there's people who's husbands die or whatever tragically and that's horrible

the vast majority of single mom households, however, are pure and simple the result of consistent, absurd, poor decision making

nobody likes to pt that out, but i mean.....

i doesn't take an intellectual giant to realize having a kid you can't afford isn't a wise choice especially when other options are available, however I feel like many women that have no education or true skills only find a role/importance in life through motherhood.

What other explanation is there for poor people have MULTIPLE kids? first kid, understandable.
oh come on, you're taking a totally obscure example and trying to pass it off as representative to the entire group of feminists as a whole. Do you think most feminists think being a stay at home mom should be illegal? I don't.

I would say you seem to have an issues with all feminists,but you already confirmed it. I don't really wish to have this argument with anyone, and I'll just agree to disagree on the next point.
Simone de Beauvoir is not an obscure example. Not by a fucking long shot. This chick today is an obscure example. I posted it because it is current.

Tell me how these words from one of modern feminism's greatest influences differs from the article I posted: ""No woman should be authorized to stay at home and raise her children. Women should not have that choice, precisely because if there is such a choice, too many women will make that one."

And de Beauvoir's use of "authorized" shows she is in tune with de Marquand not only in thinking she knows best for other women, but also that she is willing to enforce it authoritatively.

And no, I don't have issues with all feminists. There are several feminists I admire greatly. But modern feminism is in large part a perversion of feminism, that consistently puts the interests of women behind the agenda of the Left. Where is the feminist outcry over the disgusting comments made about Melania Trump? How feminist is it to value a woman based entirely on your opinion of her husband? Hypocrites.
while ridiculous i get where she's coming from

surely there's people who's husbands die or whatever tragically and that's horrible

the vast majority of single mom households, however, are pure and simple the result of consistent, absurd, poor decision making

nobody likes to pt that out, but i mean.....

i doesn't take an intellectual giant to realize having a kid you can't afford isn't a wise choice especially when other options are available, however I feel like many women that have no education or true skills only find a role/importance in life through motherhood.

What other explanation is there for poor people have MULTIPLE kids? first kid, understandable.
You make several good points, but they are irrelevant here. She isn't talking about single parent families. She's explicitly discussing two parent families. And she isn't making a argument about household poverty. Her economic argument is that women working help equalize the economic stats between men and women.
Simone de Beauvoir is not an obscure example. Not by a fucking long shot. This chick today is an obscure example. I posted it because it is current.

Tell me how these words from one of modern feminism's greatest influences differs from the article I posted: ""No woman should be authorized to stay at home and raise her children. Women should not have that choice, precisely because if there is such a choice, too many women will make that one."

And de Beauvoir's use of "authorized" shows she is in tune with de Marquand not only in thinking she knows best for other women, but also that she is willing to enforce it authoritatively.

And no, I don't have issues with all feminists. There are several feminists I admire greatly. But modern feminism is in large part a perversion of feminism, that consistently puts the interests of women behind the agenda of the Left. Where is the feminist outcry over the disgusting comments made about Melania Trump? How feminist is it to value a woman based entirely on your opinion of her husband? Hypocrites.

Okay, I'm not talking about Simone de Beauvoir. I'm talking about the nobody that made the statement that you started a thread about.

but whatever, you don't want to talk about that. I think you're taking that quote of out context, and I would interpret it differently. Remember, she was a woman of her time, and she's been dead for 30 years. When is that quote from?

If I had to guess, I think it's one of those statements you make, and you have to make. Nobody won a revolution being quiet. Sometimes you have to say and do radical things in hopes of achieving whatever goal you're pushing for.
You make several good points, but they are irrelevant here. She isn't talking about single parent families. She's explicitly discussing two parent families. And she isn't making a argument about household poverty. Her economic argument is that women working help equalize the economic stats between men and women.
i only agree w/ that argument in that i completely disagree w/ the antiquated, sexist policy of Alimony

IMO, if someone wants to stay home and CHOOSES to do so, that's great. But you're also choosing not to add any monetary value to the relationship, so you certainly aren't owed backpay for doing what you CHOSE to do in the first place. If anything, that person OWES the other for supporting the entire family the whole time. THis isn't the 1950s, women not only have rights but are more educated on average then men are

unless it's an arranged marriage, that's clearly different.
Stay at home and HE is coming

Okay, I'm not talking about Simone de Beauvoir. I'm talking about the nobody that made the statement that you started a thread about.

Yes, some nobody. And you treated her opinion as if it is unique and not representative of feminism. And so I quote the author of The Second Sex, an essential tome in the feminist canon. And she says the same thing.
The quote is from Friedan's A Dialogue with Simon e De Beauvoir as published in her collected works. I read it long ago in a first year women's studies class. Friedan to her credit took issue with de Beauvoir on this point, iirc, and I think I do.

What does it mean to make a statement you have to make? You make statements because you believe them. You state your goals in hope of achieving them. Why talk about the destruction of female choice if you are fighting for female choice? And the answer to that question is that far too many feminists are fighting for female choice so long as women choose what the feminists deem best.

De Beauvoir hated the family, which I find absurd. And now this nincompoop today is saying the same things. Who is going to watch kids if the parents don't? Some day care center or nanny, most likely a woman. And that's fine in her eyes, but for a mother to stay home and raise her own children is something she thinks should be prohibited by law. It's very stupid, and should be easy for anyone to condemn.
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Yes, some nobody. And you treated her opinion as if it is unique and not representative of feminism. And so I quote the author of The Second Sex, an essential tome in the feminist canon. And she says the same thing.
The quote is from Friedan's A Dialogue with Simon e De Beauvoir as published in her collected works. I read it long ago in a first year women's studies class. Friedan to her credit took issue with de Beauvoir on this point, iirc, and I think I do.

What does it mean to make a statement you have to make? You make statements because you believe them. You state tour goals in hope of achieving them. Why talk about the destruction of female choice if you are fighting for female choice? And the answer to that question is that far too many feminists are fighting for female choice so long as women choose what the feminists deem best.

De Beauvoir hated the family, which I find absurd. And now this nincompoop today is saying the same things. Who is going to watch kids if the parents don't? Some day care center or nanny, most likely a woman. And that's fine in her eyes, but for a mother to stay home and raise her own children is something she thinks should be prohibited by law. It's very stupid, and should be easy for anyone to condemn.

Okay, but again, you're getting outraged about what some idiot said (The original post I mean). And you're coming to a conclusion that this is what modern feminism represents because an author, in probably the 60s? 70s? said something similar. I think both of them were and are wrong. We're in agreement on that. I also just think the time when it was first written, it was probably used as one of those "light the fire" kind of statements, and if alive today, for all you know she may disagree with that. I think most modern feminists would agree with us. In a free and equal society, I don't need the government forcing anyone away from their house or children. If you have the means,you should be able to do it.

My mother had to work full time, but I'm sure she felt no animosity towards those who were stay at home mothers. Not everyone would have the luxury to raise their children full time. I probably wouldn't have gotten beat up so much as a kid if she were there lol.

Again, not arguing with you that this is a stupid idea. I am and will continue to argue that this is NOT what the majority of feminists think, I don't think it is a view that is representational of the majority of modern feminists. You're citing one author as a part of this cannon that has a sway over all feminists, and I don't buy it.
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