It costs $30 to expedite a PED test

You would think one of the terms of his exemption from the 4 month retirement testing period would be that his test results would be expedited.

TBH, I'd be pissed if I was in Hunt's position too. He has a loss on his record for the biggest fight of his MMA career. He got beat up by a douche bag who hadn't fought in 5 years, and that douche bag got way more money than him as well.
This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. It is not like they put the blood into One big machine, And get the results out. They have to do many, many tests on different substances, And if they find something suspicious, they follow that trace, And do more tests.
I saw that too, and I hoped it wasn't true. I mean, how many days did it take to get Bork's results back? 12? Why wouldn't they hurry all pre-competition tests so that a theoretically juicing fighter doesn't end up fighting after all?
Just thinking that USADA tests the ever loving shit out of their samples and really doubt they would expedite a really elaborate and expensive test for $30... This isn't a McTest.
This is done by design. Brock passed the intial tests as they thought he would. He cleaner up his system to pass the first few tests. But an addict is still and addict. Regardless if it's a ped and it's obvious he's been using for years and very dependent. He was probably jonesing pretty bad and felt like shit. Couldn't face Hunt without his drugs. He took the drugs knowing damn well he would pop. They just asked for 4 weeks. 4 stupid weeks of being clean and he couldn't even do that. I remember immediately after the fight. People were talking what's next for Lesnar. I said well now it gets interesting let's see if he can pass random USADA tests for the next several months before his next potential fight. The fan boys jumped on my neck. Screaming Lesnar is clean Yada Yada Yada. Well Lesnar pops. Fails 2 tests. One a week and a half before the fight. Then on fight night. What a joke. Lesnar is a cheat with no respect for Hunt. Regardless of all the exceptions UFC made for him. 4 weeks. 4 fucking weeks!!
Considering it would have cost the UFC millions to lose Brock, it would have cost them a lot more than $30 if they expedited the tests.
which box to tick??

No wonder these tests are expensive they measure the gravity at the site where specimen is given thats pretty intense
I saw that too, and I hoped it wasn't true. I mean, how many days did it take to get Bork's results back? 12? Why wouldn't they hurry all pre-competition tests so that a theoretically juicing fighter doesn't end up fighting after all?
Bingo. I thought the whole point of all this testing was to keep athletes from ACTUALLY competing. Zany right?
Dana probably slipped them $50 to hold the results long enough to let Lesnar fight.
This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. It is not like they put the blood into One big machine, And get the results out. They have to do many, many tests on different substances, And if they find something suspicious, they follow that trace, And do more tests.
Exactly. Rutten is a twit. Anyone that works in a lab (me) knows that some tests are very time consuming and costly. Some test 'control' vials are ~$500-600 on their own
so $40,030 to have it in 3 days?? Hmm o_O
I call bullshit.

Random drug testing costs in the tens of thousands of dollars per test. Given that, I think Bas' claim is untrue or misleading. Did he give a source?
Totally agreed, and not only that, but people need to understand that there are actual people performing these tests and that one cannot simply expedite every single sample because any sample you prioritize is pushing another one down the queue and they all need to be run in some reasonable timeframe.
Per Bas Rutten on Inside MMA the test can be back in 3 days with an additional $30 fee.

At a bog standard lab, yes, at quest diagnostics, yes, at analysis-while-u-wait yes...

USADA works just a little bit differently... for a start all samples are coded with no names.. how would anyone know which sample to expedite?
Just went back and looked at it on DVR. The UCLA analytical laboratory (same lab that did Lesnar's test) sample testing form is Bas's source. On the sample collection form it says standard time for results is 15 days. Then on another page it says for fast turn around within 3 business days it costs $30. They showed both pages on the screen when he was talking about it.

The fee for the actual test is $1,890

but thats for one off customers, supplying maybe 1 or 2 samples

and the key point is, they know who those samples belong to..

Customer can say that sample I gave you other day, please do it quicker...

Usada dont know what code number Brocks sample is, just as they dont know at that point who sample X1052563 belongs to...

So how would they expedite it..

The sample numbers arent matched to the athletes till after analysis is complete and results are reported, for obvious reasons.
And bearing in mind that GC/IRMS (Carbon Isotope mass spectromety testing) can take in excess of 3 days, how do they get the results in 3 days :D
Per Bas Rutten on Inside MMA the test can be back in 3 days with an additional $30 fee.

Yep. And this is why I wanted to know why Jones test wasn't announced sooner and Brock was able to fight when they knew his test was dirty. I got flamed for it of course.
That's for a low budget piss test. I'm pretty sure CIR tests are much more expensive, plus blood testing, plus HGH and epo testing which is again much more expensive and complex and then USADA retests the samples a few times to make 100% sure that it isn't a false positive.

Bas is sometimes full of shit