Is this a valid guard pass ?


Blue Belt
Aug 9, 2003
Reaction score
Hey guys

I haven't trained for a little bit, I'm in the process of moving interstate.

I was thinking about a method of passing guard.

Here is how it goes.

You are in closed guard, they are breaking your posture

get an underhook with right arm

get it deep

bring it around and grab the right side of their gi, somewhat across their neck/chest, this is to steady yourself

use your left arm to apply pressure to their right leg to open guard/create space

bring your legs through and get into side mount

So the idea is youre resting a lot of your weight on your right elbow, and youre pinning them to the ground using your right forearm, holding onto the gi to keep the position

then you can pull yourself through their guard (not really around it) and move to a dominant position.

You still have your left arm free to post if you need to, their left arm has limited movement because your body would be in the way.

Dangers : they could bridge to their left, and since your right arm is sort of on the otherside, the ability to post is limited. Infact you can't really post properly, but you do have the ability to "post" with your elbow. Not sure if that is enough though.

His right arm would also cause some problems for your leg to come through

Anyone think this will work ? I'll give it a go when I find a new school.
try it bro. biggest problem i see is the sweep , since both ur arms and ur legs will b tied up as ur goin thru the guard. if u get ur knees thru far enuf u can just drop into mount tho..
Good point, the usual guard pass I usually do requires posture meaning that I already have my legs solidly on the ground. This one is a little more precarious, but maybe having your upper bodyweight pinning on them is enough compensation. Can't tell unless I try it I guess.

I find it is quite fun at times to visualise all this and see what opportunities open up.

I guess the thing which makes this pass something I haven't come across before is the way it uses the underhook and the grip on the Gi to control the person underneath.
The problem with the underhook is that your opponent can get a deep overhook on you and grab your collar. From there he can sweep, choke or armbar you. I wouldn't count on that pass, but if it works, super!
yeah you will be swept easily if you dont have posture, or a base.. PLus your giving the guy ca text book choke or sholder lock..
Alls he has to do is lock his overhook and no you cant post on the side you underhooked with.. so your going to get swept.. and you dont have posture to set up a good base.. so its inevitable.

Stick to the passes that are tried and true.. once you have them down.. then try to develop your own passes..
The person has cut off your right side completely, he would have your right leg and right arm undercontrol from the overhook and the guardposition. The sweep that is used to counter this move looks like this.


Notice his right foot under the thigh. He overhooks the right leg with his left, lifts the person on top of him to get their weight off balance, and lifts with his right foot, rolling over into mount.
in addition to what others have said, its also really hard to break the guard in the way you described (with no posture, just pushing with the strength of your arm). its also a great way to get triangled since it will be fairly easy for the bottom guy to grab your wrist and pass your arm through his legs.
everybody makes valid points , and they r all true. i did this in trainin 2day and it worked:). gotta luv trainin alive ey? :O
yeah, I think you will get swept, collar choked or reverse armbarred with that pass...
parallax86 said:
everybody makes valid points , and they r all true. i did this in trainin 2day and it worked:). gotta luv trainin alive ey? :O

Who did you use it on? Were they there for more that 3 days?
Dominic Kihlstrand said:
The person has cut off your right side completely, he would have your right leg and right arm undercontrol from the overhook and the guardposition. The sweep that is used to counter this move looks like this.


Notice his right foot under the thigh. He overhooks the right leg with his left, lifts the person on top of him to get their weight off balance, and lifts with his right foot, rolling over into mount.

Awesome picture.
Me thinks the pass is therefore no good.
Dominic Kihlstrand said:
Who did you use it on? Were they there for more that 3 days?

yeh , bout six months heh.

actually it works pretty nice from standin . if ur controllin ur opponents feet or he is actively lookin for a sweep , if u stay close u might find space to drop ur knees threw and land in the mount .
parallax86 said:
yeh , bout six months heh.

actually it works pretty nice from standin . if ur controllin ur opponents feet or he is actively lookin for a sweep , if u stay close u might find space to drop ur knees threw and land in the mount .

Six Months? have fun with that. I used a technique called the "Rusty Scissors" where you wrap one leg around the opponents belly and the other behind his back, so you are intersecting with his body, then you squeeze really hard. It worked on a guy that was there for six months so it must work simply because it is techniqual. :wink: