Is This a Coincidence?

Got any OnlyFan pics of that girl in bathrobe @ 0:40
what exactly is the context here?
what exactly is the context here?
There was a confrontation with Masvisal and Usman. Masvidal stated he wouldn't "street" fight him because he has a cast and it would be unfair. Couple days later he goes on Rogan and talks about how he cut his cast off.
There was a confrontation with Masvisal and Usman. Masvidal stated he wouldn't "street" fight him because he has a cast and it would be unfair. Couple days later he goes on Rogan and talks about how he cut his cast off.

There was a confrontation with Masvisal and Usman. Masvidal stated he wouldn't "street" fight him because he has a cast and it would be unfair. Couple days later he goes on Rogan and talks about how he cut his cast off.

It was Mas who said no to fighting not Marty. What was he supposed to do cut the cast off right there on the spot?

I honestly don’t understand what the threads about. I assume it’s suggesting that an MMA fighter is a coward?
'Do something' says the guy who's unwilling to do something himself. Can't wait to see Marty get KTFO.