Is the new Death Wish movie with Bruce Willis an "Alt Right" film should it be boycotted?

it almost seems as if he's out to, Punish bad guys

someone's getting sued.
they already did two recent death wish movies they were. called john wick <20>

They are already leaving some thumbs down on the movie trailer, it looks light compared to the original with Charles Bronson which was very graphic the rape scenes were even disturbing for today's standards, this movie doesn't even look racist, it looks pg 13 compared to the vigilante flicks of the 70s and 80s. some guy on Twitter said the trailer was racist because they used Back in Black by ACDC and had Bruce Willis killing some black drug dealers, he also kills whites in the movie.

A funny scene from Death Wish 3 look how happy they are when Bronson kills that thief

It's just a trailer, I'm sure the movie itself will be much more graphic. Even in the trailer, it still looks like it's gonna be violent as hell. I'm a BIG Death Wish/Bronson fan, it looks like a pretty good remake. Eli Roth doesn't really pull any punches either.
Lol. Unnecessary remake. The original was very controversial also. People tend to think that controversy didn't exist prior to the 2000s, but the original got a ton of heat for glorifying vigilantism and being a sort of feeding into middle class white fear and violent fantasy.

Personally, I enjoyed it. It's just a movie, and it's always satisfying seeing "bad guys" get taken out in movies.
Death Wish 3 is one of the greatest movies of all time. The world needs a real Paul Kersey to take matters into his own hands and clean the scum off the streets.

Personally, it was my least favorite Death Wish besides the fifth and final one. It has a 6% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, which is only marginally better than the 0% fresh rating that DW5 got. For comparison, DW1 has a 67% fresh rating. But anyway, I'm a BIG fan of the D.W. series and the remake looks promising...
Meh, Bruce is alright with me, he came to visit us in Mosul.
I hope they remake Falling Down.

But make it about a Black Man that is an Engineer and has to walk thru the hood to get to his suburb.
The review is about what I would expect from any SOW.

On the same level as their review of Dunkirk .

However the two films are not on the same level I'm sure of that.

If nothing eles it's worth the money to see how good it is just to piss of the SJW's when it does well t the box office.

In all honesty I don't expect it to do that well but we will see.
I never saw the first one, but the rape scene of the housekeeper in the second movie was savage.
Yeah, and it was still heavily edited to obtain an R-rating. I've seen the uncut version and it's A LOT more graphic. I doubt they're gonna go there in the remake, but will still probably be violent as fuck.
Why boycott anything in the land of the free?

It called freedom of speech and protest.

You know land of the free no hate speech laws and the right to make any movie or play you want.

Like the play the liberals love with Trump being assassinated. Their right to make it and others right to boycott it.
Kind of. The alt-right consists mostly of decent people who are demonized by the media for standing up to thugs so I can see the comparo.
There is none within them that is halfway decent.

Identity sjw conservative politics.
Well, seeing as the last movie I saw in the theater was Avengers II, I've effectively been boycotting everything Hollywood has done for the better part of five years.

Having kids = no time, no money = GOAT boycott strategy
It's a movie. If you don't like it, don't go see it.
Guns were taken away from civilians in my Grandmothers generation in Germany by the then national socialist government. From what I've been taught, it didn't end well for them. My Grandmother died in 1989 at an old age in Birmingham, England but many of her relatives were not so lucky.

They are already leaving some thumbs down on the movie trailer, it looks light compared to the original with Charles Bronson which was very graphic the rape scenes were even disturbing for today's standards, this movie doesn't even look racist, it looks pg 13 compared to the vigilante flicks of the 70s and 80s. some guy on Twitter said the trailer was racist because they used Back in Black by ACDC and had Bruce Willis killing some black drug dealers, he also kills whites in the movie.

A funny scene from Death Wish 3 look how happy they are when Bronson kills that thief

" Is the new Death Wish movie with Bruce Willis an "Alt Right" film should it be boycotted? "

Are you asking or are you saying this is what some people are saying?

Some guy on twitter doesn't mean anything. With over 310 million people in the US, most of them old enough to use a computer, there will always be someone saying something / anything about everything.

This being the case, why is it newsworthy to find someone's opinion and speak of it as if it is a societal movement or activism with real presense. There are also people claiming the Annunaki were aliens who lived in ancient Sumer and all sorts of whacky theories.
2017: Where everything is racist, and everyone who doesn't agree is a bigot.
Meanwhile a long line of fellators for Detroit, another white devil movie.
I would say that 90% of action movies are about an angry white guy going on a rampage.

They are already leaving some thumbs down on the movie trailer, it looks light compared to the original with Charles Bronson which was very graphic the rape scenes were even disturbing for today's standards, this movie doesn't even look racist, it looks pg 13 compared to the vigilante flicks of the 70s and 80s. some guy on Twitter said the trailer was racist because they used Back in Black by ACDC and had Bruce Willis killing some black drug dealers, he also kills whites in the movie.

A funny scene from Death Wish 3 look how happy they are when Bronson kills that thief

Death wish sucked ass back then and sucks ass now. I was stoked for the series cause I love watching bad guys be brutalized by action heroes but Charlie Bronson sucked ass. Once upon a time in the west and the dirty dozen is his only good movies and Once Upon A Time should have starred Clint as Leone intended.