Is the High Fat, High Protein, No Carbs or Sugar diet safe?


Mar 13, 2017
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I think Joe Rogan is on that type of diet as well as some crossfitters.

It doesn't sound healthy to me. I talked with a coworker of mine he lost a lot of weight and does cross fit, he said he doesn't eat lots of carbs he cut out bread, potatoes and rice, and no fruits. He said he limits his carbs to a really low amount if possible and tries to eliminate Sugar.

He only eats steaks, meats, fish, chicken, and veggies and nuts, he eats avocado since it has a lot of oil

I remember him eating Bacon with eggs and avocado, and cheese.

I also saw that he would eat Salmon with salad and have olive oil on top

I dont know if this is healthy his skin is really oily, he sweats a lot and his B.O smells really bad like some Taco meat from far.

The one thing he told me though is when he first started doing it he was feeling light headed from adjusting to zero carbs or low carbs and low sugar.

He also said he has difficulty passing stools, and has to take a fiber supplement to bulk up his stools. But he claims this diet which is low sugar and low carbs is worth it since its proven to fight disease and sickness and prevent them from growing.

I personally can't do this diet, seems a bit extreme and dangerous eating that much fat
It's not practical imo and if you aren't strict on it you'll just end up way worse off than when you started
I didn't do flat zero carb/sugar, but I kept it low enough to keto and I definitely wouldn't do it again for a prolonged period of time.

The human body isn't designed to lose weight that fast.
Yeah, my friend did/does this diet. He went from 300 fatass to 225 fedor in a year.
Without carbohydrates you will die, stick to what we know and stay away from broscience. The people with the highest longevity thrive on carbs. Japanese and cultures around the Mediterranean sea have rice and bread as staple foods. Ancient greeks went by with bread, wine and olives and look how they are depicted in art work



Unless you're going for the following look, stay away from these new fad diets

Problem is overeating, not carbs. Another thing to consider is level of activity. Our ancestors didn't spend their days sitting down lurking on Sherdog, I bet.
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Crossfit is a cult.
Crossfitters are freaks.
Whatever he does, do the opposite.
the end.
Just train harder and don't be a fat ass and you can get whatever you feel like.
No carb diet is an OK SHORT TERM plan for those people who need to lose a lot of weight. I don't think it's a viable long term plan.

I had a buddy who went no carb and dropped probably 35-40 pounds fairly quickly. Once he hit that point he reintroduced normal food. He should have just had to maintain his weight at that point. However he started eating like crap again and gained the weight back.

So ya, basially it's good to cut a lot of weight quickly but then you better be disciplined enough to stick to a normal eating plan.
I think Joe Rogan is on that type of diet as well as some crossfitters.

It doesn't sound healthy to me. I talked with a coworker of mine he lost a lot of weight and does cross fit, he said he doesn't eat lots of carbs he cut out bread, potatoes and rice, and no fruits. He said he limits his carbs to a really low amount if possible and tries to eliminate Sugar.

He only eats steaks, meats, fish, chicken, and veggies and nuts, he eats avocado since it has a lot of oil

I remember him eating Bacon with eggs and avocado, and cheese.

I also saw that he would eat Salmon with salad and have olive oil on top

I dont know if this is healthy his skin is really oily, he sweats a lot and his B.O smells really bad like some Taco meat from far.

The one thing he told me though is when he first started doing it he was feeling light headed from adjusting to zero carbs or low carbs and low sugar.

He also said he has difficulty passing stools, and has to take a fiber supplement to bulk up his stools. But he claims this diet which is low sugar and low carbs is worth it since its proven to fight disease and sickness and prevent them from growing.

I personally can't do this diet, seems a bit extreme and dangerous eating that much fat

Its fad. Its called Keto. Before that, it was the Atkins diet which is essentially the same but amateur hour version. You got intermittent fasting. Its just some new bullshit they sell.

Look, you can lower your weight through exercise, diet, nutrition, ideal amount of macros/micros, and cutting simply 250 cals per week. Once you can handle that, cut it back, and then, another 250cals. Pull back slowly. There is a body building dot com thread on how to cut but remember, if you go back to the same lifestyle and diet after, the weight comes back.
Fedor is a fatass..
Your friend went from 300 lbs fatass to 225 lbs fatass

Great advice
I dont understand, he lifts also. To me he looks much better with less disgusting body fat.
This isn't directed at you TS as I didnt read your post but I am so sick of people constantly looking for the next EZ DIET to get buff/ripped on. Its so fucking simple. Eat smart and exercise more. All this counting macro/keto/ garbage will not make even 1% more of a difference.

People want to sprint before they can even stand up. Copying pro bodybuilders with 20 years of lifting experience and gear use and think it will transform them.
If you go this route, make sure you drink a lot of water as well. I did lose weight once following strict low/no carb, but also wasn't drinking much water and all the protein and being dehydrated resulted in me getting crystals in my urethra!

Eat all four or five food groups in the correct quantities which is not too much, and not allergic too. Dont stuff yourself at every meal.

Dont drink sodas, or anything with high fructose syrup. Stay away from fried foods.
Safe? Yes.
Necessary? No. Do what suits your needs/will power best.
I'm on it now and lost 30 pounds in the last 2 months. I know people who have done it for years and years and are in great health. Lower blood pressure and cholesterol. It's hard as hell to stick to, but worth it.
Without carbohydrates you will die, stick to what we know and stay away from broscience. The people with the highest longevity thrive on carbs. Japanese and cultures around the Mediterranean sea have rice and bread as staple foods. Ancient greeks went by with bread, wine and olives and look how they are depicted in art work



Unless you're going for the following look, stay away from these new fad diets

Problem is overeating, not carbs. Another thing to consider is level of activity. Our ancestors didn't spend their days sitting down lurking on Sherdog, I bet.

And how long does it take before someone dies without carbs? I know several people who have done a low carb/keto diet for several years and they're in great shape, inside and outside.
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No carb diet is an OK SHORT TERM plan for those people who need to lose a lot of weight. I don't think it's a viable long term plan.

I had a buddy who went no carb and dropped probably 35-40 pounds fairly quickly. Once he hit that point he reintroduced normal food. He should have just had to maintain his weight at that point. However he started eating like crap again and gained the weight back.

So ya, basially it's good to cut a lot of weight quickly but then you better be disciplined enough to stick to a normal eating plan.
Doesnt it mess with your hormones, I remember people who would go on those crash diets losing weight, but the moment they touch some carbs and eat they gain the weight back even worse and start bloating.