Is the body mechanics of this right hand correct?


Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
And is it a right hand or straight right?

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You just pushed my nose up into my brain.

I am nao ded

No you forgot to say "shoryuken!!" That completes everything.

Seriously you do right hand good all the time. If your really serious post a video of bag work for at least 2 mins. Not fucking few secs. Combinations and shit. Not one punch.
You do know that TKD punches are nothing like boxing punches right? I have used them in a fight but the way you use them is in a TKD context only, I prefer real man boxing punches to the TKD ballerina punches until my fist lands on someone's forehead and my bone fingers are sticking out of my hand.
You do know that TKD punches are nothing like boxing punches right? I have used them in a fight but the way you use them is in a TKD context only, I prefer real man boxing punches to the TKD ballerina punches until my fist lands on someone's forehead and my bone fingers are sticking out of my hand.

That was by no means a punch taught in TKD.
You do know that TKD punches are nothing like boxing punches right? I have used them in a fight but the way you use them is in a TKD context only, I prefer real man boxing punches to the TKD ballerina punches until my fist lands on someone's forehead and my bone fingers are sticking out of my hand.
it's actually reasonable. could step the lead leg wider and drop the weight on the back foot a bit more before throwing, but overall pretty good. shame about the two seconds though, if he keeps it up we will have to call him victor.
it's actually reasonable. could step the lead leg wider and drop the weight on the back foot a bit more before throwing, but overall pretty good. shame about the two seconds though, if he keeps it up we will have to call him victor.

Thanks. How long have you boxed?
depends on the boxer. big punchers tend to have a deeper stance.

Maybe I'm not perceiving it correctly but looks like vast majority of them are standing on the same line, which you're of course taught not to do.
That's good. Have you participated in gym competitions? How rough are they?
about the same as an amateur boxing match, only difference being is if your receiving a hiding the coach can pull you out and chuck one of your buddies in.
Maybe I'm not perceiving it correctly but looks like vast majority of them are standing on the same line, which you're of course taught not to do.
big punchers usually carry their weight set on the same foot as their power hand, the setting of the weight may be subtle or obvious but all punchers do it.
about the same as an amateur boxing match, only difference being is if your receiving a hiding the coach can pull you out and chuck one of your buddies in.

If I get tempted to enter that shit, who is the best guy there? How much experience does the top guy have before he leaves those unoffical competitions?