Is my boxing technique correct?


White Belt
Apr 13, 2017
Reaction score
I was at kickboxing, and while practicing my combinations I realized my footwork was really bad (i.e. standing still.) After this thought, I started wondering whether my footwork was even correct. My instructor hasn't said anything about it, but I thought I'd get some opinion.

Here's a video: I threw jabs, crosses, and hooks.

Any help is appreciated.
You've got what we call happy feet. You're doing too much bouncing around so you're not grounded and don't have leverage on your punches, plus if you got hit while moving like that you'd be knocked off balance. I'd advise you to use smaller, more controlled steps most of the time. They're more energy efficient and balanced.
i.e. standing still.
You went from one extreme (standing still) to happy feet (the other extreme).

As the user above said, you have absolutely no leverage when you do this (no power or control).

Go slower, stop moving so much, and keep those hands up !!!
Standing still in itself isn't an issue. SOme boxers fight bouncing all the time but it's not the norm. It's no0t about how much you move but how well you move.
Standing still is fine as long as you are able to for example circle out of the way of an icnoming opponent when you have to, take angles when you ahve to etc. Moving for the sake of moving only costs you energy and limits you offensively and defensively.

if you keep the same angle to the heavybag why would you move at all? You are basically doing a Pacquiao; you move everywhere but in the end still end up at the exact same spot at the exact same angle you were before.

If you wanna take an angle do that if you don't just don't hop around for the sake of moving

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