Is Mark Kerr the biggest case of Steroid Detransformation we've ever seen in MMA?

This is a really weird coincidence, but I literally have this video playing in the back ground when I saw this thread.

universe trying to tell me something? :/
Pretty much that.. I know guys who use to juice and body build .. then stet they stopped both but kept eating right and still continued to go to the gym 2-3 a week and still look great ... looks like he just stopped everything and turned to alcohol or drugs

How are their natural test levels afterwards? The guys I know who were into it have all had problems afterwards, but not sure if that's just that they were stupid.
umm... wow. sherdog 2017, more clueless than ever.

it's not like kerr even admitted to abusing the living hell out of steroids, or anything. definitely not in a movie. about mma. and steroids.

if he was clean, he probably would have been a nobody. it's safe to say that the bulk of his wins in ufc/pride were 99% roidsmash.

on a related note, his slam in pride 28 is still my favorite. edit: it was pride 27.

I never said he didn't juice. His body has changed from age, and not training the way he used to. Stopping steroids doesn't make you instantly out of shape.
He's just cultivating mass
And guys like Mark Kerr will tell you with a straight face that they have never ever used anything.
Pretty much all of the Hammerhouse guys are competitors for this award.


Honourable mention to The Best Eva:


And Mark Coleman:


Phil Baroni still looks quite handsome.

Strange thing, most people see a guy who was obviously enhanced and think it was lack of supplements or getting older that was Kerr's downfall in the sport. Maybe why he isn't considered and all time great, maybe more of a what could have been.

This guy didn't even need the roids, he was a genetic freak and a great athlete, a specimen if you will...

I digress, this is what years of opiate addiction can do. Add in someone who seemed to be attracted to women who were literally the polar opposite of what he needed and it's a career thrown down the tubes. It's a damn shame because in all the video footage I've seen of Mark he seems like a generally nice guy who really lacked the mean streak to be a fighter and genuinely didn't like hurting people even in competition.

I watched an interview and he said something to the effect that his wrestling base made him successful in MMA, but in wrestling you don't pummel your opponent and in MMA it's something he never got used to or comfortable with, the violence aspect... although he was damn good at it and was considered top of the food chain for a snap shot in time.

LMAO -- nobody think that you fucking goof. Everyone here knows the story of mark kerr. We've all seen Smashing Machine LOL
And guys like Mark Kerr will tell you with a straight face that they have never ever used anything.

Are you serious?!?!?!? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA -- nah, he wasnt in a moive based solely on his drug and steriod addiction. Good fucking lord, stop being a fucking idiot and GOOGLE.
LMAO -- nobody think that you fucking goof. Everyone here knows the story of mark kerr. We've all seen Smashing Machine LOL

this thread makes it clear that about half of sherdog has no fucking clue about kerr or even that the movie exists.

I never said he didn't juice. His body has changed from age, and not training the way he used to. Stopping steroids doesn't make you instantly out of shape.

age? no, he looked like shit pretty quickly after stopping (or cutting back a ton) roids. he didn't get "instantly out of shape," but it happened pretty fucking fast. you know, unlike aging.

also, like i clearly said - he didn't just use roids, he used a ton of them.
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Going with the Reem on this partly bc he still fights
Are you serious?!?!?!? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA -- nah, he wasnt in a moive based solely on his drug and steriod addiction. Good fucking lord, stop being a fucking idiot and GOOGLE.

No pouch-wipe, in his Smashing Machine docu he's only showing his use of opiates, painkillers and anything except steroids and HGH which he used far more of in reality.

It took him many years after retirement to finally admit to something:

And yet he's still lying. Listen to what he says here:
"Up to the age of 27, I didn't touch any PED's at all. I went through all my Olympics, all my NCAA stuff taking no chemicals whatsoever. I think part of it was me having a little bit of fear from not knowing what was going to happen or take place (in MMA)," Kerr stated. "I went ahead and experimented with anabolics and androgenics."

LMAO. Ok Mark. Yeah I'm sure you were totally clean up to age 27.
this thread makes it clear that about half of sherdog has no fucking clue about kerr or even that the movie exists.

age? no, he looked like shit pretty quickly after stopping (or cutting back a ton) roids. he didn't get "instantly out of shape," but it happened pretty fucking fast. you know, unlike aging.

also, like i clearly said - he didn't just use roids, he used a ton of them.

This post make it clear you dont really know shit about Kerr. 'He used a ton of them' -- LMAO.