Is Jon Jones doing it all wrong promotion wise with this good guy persona?

I didn't like him until his heel turn...
He's going face, heel, face. pro wrasslers do it all the time.

Jon "periodic" Jones

As a Jon Jones fan I really don't see him playing up the nice guy role, the change talk is expected and frankly what most people want to hear, whether they see it is a different story. Fighting and promoting this 200 fight is gold for Jones seeing there is a honest dislike for DC, and Jon truly enjoys poking @DC who can never seem to get the better of the exchange.
Jones needs to adopt the "villain" persona. The bad guy, party animal, drunk driving madman that everyone roots against. People would tune in to see whether or not he gets beat. He should go full WWE.

Exactly...that "I can do all things through my savior, Jesus Christ" shit was both unbelievable and annoying.

I like him much more when he's being the asshole, internet troll guy (ie: being himself).
I think jones is doing fine in his Return on all levels. I don't agree with you characterizing it as "good guy". I also believe that him working with Floyd would be tremendous