Is it even possible, in theory, to not stereotype people?

mommas homeboy

Spread love not hatred
Feb 6, 2011
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Is there anyway somebody could keep a clear mind, and never prejudge anybody they see—not including holding on to stereotypes after you have already interacted with a person.

I mean, when you first meet someone, doesn’t your mind automatically judge them based on past experiences you’ve had with similar looking people? And not just race. I’m talking about everything: clothes, hair, height, age, the way someone walks, makeup (for females), piercings, tattoos, etc.

Could someone train their mind to see every single person as having perfectly equal odds of having X or Y characteristics, and never prejudge or stereotype an unknown human based on how they look? It doesn’t seem possible to me. Is that blatantly obvious or does anybody disagree?
Acknowledge bias then provide the benefit of the doubt.
No. It's human nature and split second decisions about other human beings have been utterly necessary for survival for the vast majority of our time on this planet.

The artificial nature of civilization, especially as it exists today with laws and norms as they are, demands an adaption to our biological judgment tendencies towards other human beings.

Long story short, don't feel bad about the shit you think about other people for no good reason.
No. It's human nature and split second decisions about other human beings have been utterly necessary for survival for the vast majority of our time on this planet.

The artificial nature of civilization, especially as it exists today with laws and norms as they are, demands an adaption to our biological judgment tendencies towards other human beings.

Long story short, don't feel bad about the shit you think about other people for no good reason.

But that truth is just too brutal to accept for most people.
Bias is always present in one form or another, even subconciously. I think that everything we learn, see or do influences how we perceive the world and people.

The old saying about making a good first impression comes to mind, but it goes deeper than that.

Even the most accepting kumbaya singing tree hugging person who preaches universal acceptance will likely give in to stereotypes at one point or another.

your brain is supposed to work that way, actually. bias is a good thing. it helps you make judgements and decisions, given limited information, which most of the time is useful.

however, i do think it is reasonable to ask people to realize what stereotypes are, and their limitations. understand that we're all biased, and that when you accept this, youre more able to check it.
Stereotypes are based in reality.

Look at the video game Street Fighter 2. Every character is a stereotype/caricature of different cultures and countries. People would cry racism these days but it was Japan simply making characters based on reality or at least perception they had of the different countries/cultures they represent.

Unless you are making fun of or saying someone is inferior because of said stereotype, I don't see a problem. Are there not Sumos in Japan? Yogis in India? Family Men in America?
Long story short, don't feel bad about the shit you think about other people for no good reason.

Only feel bad about that shit when you act upon it. Actions are very fucking concrete.

But that truth is just too brutal to accept for most people.

That qualification of "brutal" will change as society changes, e.g. during or post-war, that truth is just a life-saving truth, nothing "brutal" or repulsive about it. Only in a society espousing "embrace-all" will it be considered as something not PC.

Put it this way: Michael Jackson's clothed crotch grab was considered sensationally lewd back then. Now? Meh.
Is there anyway somebody could keep a clear mind, and never prejudge anybody they see—not including holding on to stereotypes after you have already interacted with a person.

I mean, when you first meet someone, doesn’t your mind automatically judge them based on past experiences you’ve had with similar looking people? And not just race. I’m talking about everything: clothes, hair, height, age, the way someone walks, makeup (for females), piercings, tattoos, etc.

Could someone train their mind to see every single person as having perfectly equal odds of having X or Y characteristics, and never prejudge or stereotype an unknown human based on how they look? It doesn’t seem possible to me. Is that blatantly obvious or does anybody disagree?

I can often move around in the world without having any thoughts at all about what or who I see.
Stereotypes are based in reality.

Look at the video game Street Fighter 2. Every character is a stereotype/caricature of different cultures and countries. People would cry racism these days but it was Japan simply making characters based on reality or at least perception they had of the different countries/cultures they represent.

Unless you are making fun of or saying someone is inferior because of said stereotype, I don't see a problem. Are there not Sumos in Japan? Yogis in India? Family Men in America?

Bruh Chun-Li is thicc, and that is not a stereotype that I've ever seen applied to Chinese women...she probably should've been Brazilian with dem thighs, but they already went with that old Brazilian stereotype of green skinned monsters with bright red mullets.
No, so people will just have to find a better excuse for being racist. Those of us who manage to deal with our own prejudice responsibly shouldn't have to provide moral welfare to all the weak-willed bigots.
Look at the video game Street Fighter 2. Every character is a stereotype/caricature of different cultures and countries. People would cry racism these days but it was Japan simply making characters based on reality or at least perception they had of the different countries/cultures they represent.

E. Honda is Japanese not American.
Stereotypes are based in reality.

Look at the video game Street Fighter 2. Every character is a stereotype/caricature of different cultures and countries. People would cry racism these days but it was Japan simply making characters based on reality or at least perception they had of the different countries/cultures they represent.

Unless you are making fun of or saying someone is inferior because of said stereotype, I don't see a problem. Are there not Sumos in Japan? Yogis in India? Family Men in America?
And green monsters in Brazil. Dat acai juice.
Yes, if you are successfully trained to stop thinking.

Being aware of your biases and that the stereotypes you have formed across your life are not necessarily applicable to all individuals though, is what matters.